
But your dog eats like a KING!*

Whichever one doesn't taste like orange drink fermented in the toilet.

*starts Kickstarter account to finance new Brooklyn pruno microbrewery, La Pruneria*

This critic found the menu intriguing, but the final course left me wondering "where's the love?"

You only did it once?

Not "John Bone-ham"?

No worthwhile music has come out since Bach died.

Oh Bourbon. I see what you tried to do there, but you're wrong, I'm afraid. Neil Young is a fantastic guitar player. Listen to any of his live stuff and he can play. Just because he doesn't shred don't confuse that with ability, and by "ability" I'm talking about the ability to make music. That's all that

Excuse me, Mr. Sinclair, but That's the Way is embarrassing? Very wrong in that regard. Well, let me qualify. It's one of my favorite LZ songs, but it sets a mood and while some of the verses are less effective than others, to me it's about friends growing apart as they get older. I don't know, maybe he's come

My band in high school rented a 4 track and we didn't realize that it used the entire width of the tape, so you could only record one-way. Yep, we found that out by recording over the first side of the tape.

A badly voiced cat?!?!?!

Oh man! Braffed again!

*gives raised-eyebrow look to camera, goes back to working*

Are there really Jay Baruchel fanboys? Is he like Pokemon?

Jay Baruchel awoke before dawn. He put his boots on…

I actually think their first two albums are really good.

WHAS is a good example. Walk Hard is awesome. I actually really like Superbad and think at least the right tone is kept through the whole thing. It doesn't become a happy ending, but they work through some stuff.

I'll bet the Germans have a word for that. They have a word for everything.

To-may-to, to-mah-to.

And us hu-mons generally don't get emotional unless there's an orchestra involved.