Pablo Troncoso Uriarte

I'm sure Korra will be better, but I'll see how this pans out

Come on! We are about to break 1k comments! Bring up 2 more!
That being said, I wish Agent Carter's ratings were higher. It got up to such a great start!
I think Shield's reputation may have had a bad effect on it

And that was life back then in the 40s, and even now to some extent

With her being a progressive woman who suffered discrimination I don't think she would be very inclined to discriminate others

At last I caught up with season 2: much stronger than the previous, but I still find some of its character very clunky. But the Inhumans tie in! Man, that really sold me into the show! I mean, I was watching it before, but I never felt like this series was actually important regarding the Marvel universe, until now.

Looks that way, sadly :/

I think it should got a B+ at least, simply one of the strongest episodes of the season so far.
Seeing Sheldon so humanized this season is great, and this episode in particular took me by surprise by seeing how hurt he was; for a long time I thought he could be offended, but not actually hurt, so now seeing him so

WTF happened to this show? It used to be so highly entertaining because it didn't take itself so seriously, but ever since episode 4 onwards this season has been downhill, taking itself too seriously and becoming more and more bland at each passing minute.
Seriously, I loved this show on its first season and it got off

Then there's two of us ;)

I'm always surprised by how reliable The Middle is. 6 seasons in and the show still delivers.
That being said, this particular episode wasn't that much outstanding, but it was kind a fun with a predictable ending, but it's nice that for a change Frankie is looked up and that she is so over the moon with it.

Am I the only one who flipped due to the type writer being incredibly reminiscent of the one used on Fringe?

I think the real prestige shows are those who are willing to do things that make them relevant and trascendent. In that regard "Halt and Catch Fire" (which I enjoy) may look prestige, but it actually isn't. The Newsroom tried to be prestige, but it actually isn't because on its run it didn't actually say something

Fifth seasons can be great - Supernatural's best season is the best-, but after that… I have a history of shows that went downhill pretty ugly after that. My hope is that The Middle changes that, since its one of the few 6 seasons shows of which I haven't grown bored off -and it's headed for the 7th season next fall.

So far I haven't seen one show that hasn't gone downhill past season 5-6. Supernatural used to be a favorite of mine, but I couldn't stand seasons 6-7 and dropped it. HIMYM worst season was the 8th and it had that horrible series finale by the end of the 9th season. TBBT had a very rocky beginning of the season so I'm

Well, I absolutely loved the pilot. I thought the second episode needed to be stronger, but it was fine.

Depends on the show.
Fringe's best season was the third.
How I Met Your Mother's best season was the fourth.
Supernatural's best season was the fifth.
But no show has a great/best season beyond the sixth. After that it is pretty much downhill for almost every single show (unless you are The Middle, which is proving to be

This show is missing Kristin Chenoweth; aside from that, I pretty much enoyed the first 3 episodes (and I have 3 more to go! Such good luck to have got the screeners :D)

Can we just talk about how Jane The Virgen got nominated?
I mean, this is like the first CW nomination for a Golden Globe!

My god! This show is so outstanding that if it gets cancelled I'll declare war on The CW!
I agree with the statement that The 100 has the best female characters on TV, as they are real, complex people instead of just being there to either look strong or serve for romantic purposes. Seriously, this show is working so

"Why does this keep happening to me?" - Felicity Smoke