I see no way for HIMYM and House of Cards to be listed there. Hannibal and The Goodwife will take those slots
I see no way for HIMYM and House of Cards to be listed there. Hannibal and The Goodwife will take those slots
I like how the episode generates so much discussion about the Reverse-Flash identity, they are playing out the mystery well and it gives us time to discuss it and have fun with it until The Flash comes back. I just hope they don't drag it out for too long, but for now I think they chose the perfect timing to introduce…
What does that have to do with my comment about HTGAWM's ratings?
" will do middling live numbers"
So we are getting the leftovers of The Leftovers' cast?
Ok, so with "Attonement" the Revenge writers really broke my heart; Daniel was growing on me this season and now… BOM! He goes on a blaze of glory.
It was a great episode and it raises my level of enthusiasm for what's come next, but I can't shake the feeling that the writers are throwing stuff at the wall and seeing…
That is a very good gaming weekend! The Wii U is making so many great games right now!
Oh, the Fire Emblem titles… they don't have a particularly good story, but they grab you and they don't let you go until you have beaten the game and do everything that there is to do. In short, you are going to have a blast!
Hell yeah! This is the Korra I love! These last couple of episodes seems awesome, so I'm pretty excited for what's to come. I think we are going to see one hell of a goodbye
The 100 is doing so many great things right now. It's so great that the show doesn't shy away from conflicts that could be too big to handle, it just takes bravely on them and delivers awesomeness.
And also answers! The fact that the acid fog is a weapon created by Mt Weather and that the reapers are also created by…
It is fanservice and I love it!
It was an extremely fun hour of Arrow and I just love to see team arrow and team flash together in action. That being said, I really wish we had some more minutes of the fight at the end! I know we had it last night with "The Flash vs Arrow", but still!
I wish Arrow and The Flash were around when Smallvile was one, and that there was also a Batman show on the air back then so we could have a Clark/Barry/Oliver/Bruce free for all combat
And everyone involved died, except for Neil Patrick Harris who was upstairs banging Craig Thomas and Carter Bay's parents
I've never seen such hatred delivered by a network to a show. As such, I started to develop quite some hatred towards Nick
So I'm getting used to the new Revenge, and the new bad coming to town could be very interesting.
I'm glad that the show is finally showcasing Emily's ninja skill, I have missed them!
Completely agree with Eirk Adams about HIMYM; though I forgave the show and started watching it again, to this day I'm still mad about the finale. It truly betrayed what HIMYM standed for. God! What were the creators thinking?!
I actually liked the subspace emissary and came to really miss it on the newer games, but I'm fine without it. What I miss the most is that outstanding peace of music
What about Lucina?
For me it has always been Mario because he is a very well rounded character and it was the first character I've ever mastered. Also I like to play as Fox and Yoshi, since they are quite flexible and I also have become quite fond of the miis
the power of minecraft