
I think both men will live and ONE of the ladies will bite it. I've suprised myself with the realization that I'll be pretty bummed if they kill Jack. I like Fishburne's portrayal of him more than that of any other actor. (I say that having not seen Manhunter.)

Er, Game of Thrones is not about zombies, sir. That would be The Walking Dead. Wow, this Hannibal episode fucked you in the head so much that you are now mistaking good television for its diarrhea counterpart.

Yeah, mostly Disqus had made a decision on its own to sign me out and I had no idea idea until I tried to comment. Then I'd realized I'd upvoted a bunch of comments as a guest. FUck you, Disqus.

Is Big Dick Paul really a result, or are you just being clever, Jesus?

If you ended up checking it out, then you know that the cat in your avatar was sired by Satan himself!

The Joffery thing is not analogous in the slightest. There was absolutely no ambiguity as to whether Joffrey died. In the case that a viewer was certain that Freddie was killed last week, then this headline is not at all a spoiler. In the case that a viewer questions Freddie's demise, the headline is still not a

Nevermind, I figured out the answer to my question from reading another comment of yours.
Just out of curiosity, have you watched the episode yet? If not, what is the most recent episode you've watched?

No, they shouldn't be the ones to make the call, because they're being knee-jerk reactive and irrational. In last week's episode it was heavily implied that Will killed Freddie. That said, there was universal speculation that perhaps he didn't. So, the question became: Was she murdered, or wasn't she? It's a MYSTERY.

Either Freddie was dead or she wasn't… I'd go so far as to call that a MYSTERY!

Yeah, I completely forgot about those lines in the therapy session regarding his past legal woes.

Ah, I forgot about the "getting a little rough" line.

I'm definitely NOT being serious. I'm really just alluding to the hooplah going on in the comments section of this week's Walkthrough over Todd's choice of a headline. I'm of the opinion that people are overreacting to the extreme.

It was left ambiguous last week and is thus a MYSTERY, right? I honestly don't understand all of this clutching of pearls.

I'm trying to disregard your Mad Men spoiler. Come on Calpirinha, that is some seriously vital information!

Your comment is so mean, but it made me giggle nonetheless. Bad bad lionofdharma! *slaps herself on the cheek*

Ooooo, you live in LA? Me too. Back when I lived in a very busy part of Chicago, I once saw a cat and a raccoon chumming around together looking for food in trash cans. It was hilarious. They were right on the sidewalk in front of my building; the raccoon was all fat and waddling around, and the cat was right behind,

Dear me! And this from someone who thinks it's perfectly okay to spoil Of Mice and Men! (Spoiler: It is.)

Riiiiiiight, because Todd's headline is clear evidence that he's essentially a shitty individual. Burn him at the stake!

Get over it. Tomorrow's a new day. By the way, Todd's headline isn't a fucking spoiler in regard to the show.

Upvoted solely for the raccoon story.