
Er… Brokeback Mountain?

Am I the only one who insists on holding on to the hope that Thack is still alive? If there is a season 3, Clive Owen might still be part of it it, right? Right?!?


I'm pretty sure Tyrion and Sansa never had sex in the books or the show, no?

Please explain how I'm victim blaming.

It's the same with me and my sister! My family still talks about the time when we were all playing Pictionary and my sister correctly guessed the word "blonde" in literally 5 seconds based on my drawing (I was even shocked she got it that fast). I was 14 and she was 21, so needless to say, we weren't otherwise in

Uh… I don't think I ever got condescending with you, so I'd appreciate the same in return. In fact, I wrote that, at second thought, she could be seen as "potentially terrifying" to some (translation: yes, you have a point).

There are many people out there who are overly sensitive, whose feelings get hurt too easily. The thing is, most of those people aren't motivated to KILL the person whom they feel slighted by. If they do, then yeah, they've got some mental health problems. There are some people out there with mental illness that

Yeah, it's been posted roughly 50 billion times. You've got to join the party earlier next time!

Before being incarcerated, she tried to kill a nurse in a hospital with a rifle because she felt as if the nurse had disrespected her. Then in prison she tried to kill Piper for the same reason. I could go on, but that's probably enough to make a good case.

Neither of those are in the DSM. She does fit the the criteria for BPD, or at the very least superficially presents as such.

She knew it would get her in trouble, but not necessarily that it was wrong.

My main point is that, psychology speaking, she has major potential for being rehabilitated. Frankly, if we were to put aside the ebay fraud, she should be in a secure psychiatric facility, not a prison. And I'm not talking about some kind of institution for the criminally insane. I get the sense that you feel that

Even better.

I haven't read the book, so it was more a guess than it was an answer.

Is that really your mom? If so, I love it. It's just so mom-ish. I especially like the sign-off; my mom does that in Facebook posts.

I really like that last sentence of yours, because I've been super surprised to see how many people here have been been referring to her as "potentially terrifying." The girl's got some MAJOR issues, that's for sure, but at her core she's a kind person. Her ego is just all sorts of fucked up, and she clearly has

Thanks for all the info. :-)

I also saw SoMS in the theater… My 39th birthday is next week (ack!). You?

Is this a joke question?