
@avclub-ddf39be6eb089c51636d28ea68254f5c:disqus "In the absence of actual text-blanking spoiler tags, it is unrealistic
to think that putting a spoiler warning on a post that readers must
scroll past to read the remainder of the thread will prevent anyone from
seeing the spoiler."

Thanks for this info, Bigtits.


I used to be a regular reader of Pajiba, which, if I'm not mistaken, Dustin Rowles was (maybe still is?) a regular contributor to. I haven't visited the site in at least couple of years. It seems that Dustin may have turned to hard drugs in the interim. Good for him!

Phil the cremator in this episode is indeed the same guy from the finale of season 2. Check it out on IMDB.


I didn't read your second post about not reading the stray observations until after I posted, asshole. Because, you know, you posted it later.

Well, Ruth would need to become a major alcoholic, but that sounds like it could be a lot of fun. As long as there are plenty of enormous teddy bears with hats and pocket watches.

Get over yourself. I collapsed the first thread because I'm a SFU newbie; it was easy. I'm sure it would be just as easy for you to restrict your spoilers to that first thread. You sound like a petulant child who is doing this just because you feel like you should have the right to. What it boils down to is being

Danny was that teeny tiny little man that got hired at the agency early on in the series due to Sterling nepotism. That "cure for the common… [insert generic term for product you are selling]" little ad dude.

You suck.

You suck.

The rage comes from the fact that they've got some nerve, Merve.

When I heard about Braff's Kickstarter fund, it pissed me the fuck off, because even in the case that he hasn't held on to much of the money he made from Scrubs (which I highly doubt), he sure as fuck has the connections to help him out without having to use Kickstarter. A family member of mine is a childhood/current

I've never watched Six Feet Under, which is ridiculous, especially since I was a year ahead of Lauren (D'Ambruoso) Ambrose in high school, where we were both involved in theater. (Hmm, I wonder who made it big and who never had a chance in hell?) FYI, she is one of the sweetest people ever, yadda yadda yadda.

Or, in other words, Stupid Bobby.

The fact that the airing of this "pop-pop" episode coincided with the release of season 4 of Arrested Development just cannot be a coincidence, considering a particular guest star…

Remind me of when birth mother was on The Wire? It's pretty ridiculous that I can't remember considering how often I've rewatched the show.

Tip: Don't ever watch 28 Weeks Later. That movie contains an eye-going scene that I imagine (having not seen the Hannibal scene) is waaaaaaaaaaay more visceral. Ugh, I'm getting the heebie-jeebies just thinking about it.

"Out, vile jello!"