Interesting to hear from an actual fraternal twin! Thanks for sharing.
Interesting to hear from an actual fraternal twin! Thanks for sharing.
I'm still waiting for content acquisition to complete
Sarah and Helena shared a womb, unlike (as far as we know) any of the other clones. I've always heard that, in general, twins share a special bond that no one who isn't a twin can understand. Hence, it's a big deal that S and H are twins and not just clones.
Pretty dumb… um, thanks. I have no intention of watching Hangover III. Does that raise my IQ score by any points?
Ok, so this comment is completely off-topic, and I mean really off-topic, but I have no idea where else to post it. Please don't tar and feather me. Anyway, I was just reminded by a comment elsewhere in this section of the time I watched Citizen Kane completely stoned at a screening for a college film class. I was…
@avclub-fec1b8d3fbc08f27a84e5a334d45bb5a:disqus I once watched Citizen Kane when stoned out of my fucking mind during a screening for a college film class. Needless to say, I was bored and remembered absolutely nothing. There was an essay question about the movie in the final exam, and the only thing I was able to…
They go to some place with lots of hookers. They question one of the hookers about what happened the night before. The hooker says she made sweet sweet love to Ed Helms — in the butt. Helms was the receiver, because… the hooker is a transvestite! Whoa, nelly.
A giraffe gets decapitated. Discuss.
Ken Jeong reveals himself to be king of the aliens does not appear at all, hallelujah. There's a joke about Ken Jeong saying that their racist for calling him an alien Yes, really, not even once.
There, I fixed it for you.
Wow, way to rail against someone with a slight physical abnormality. You must be even more charming when discussing people that have missing or artificial limbs.
No Grimm?
Ok, I actually went and looked at the site, and it's an information campaign about the crushing debt of student loans. Yes, really. The Red has already come and done ate up my ass. I forgot to tape up the windows and doors, I guess.
Yeah, I was thinking this might be a coming-of-age film where girls get their periods for the first time. Or a new ad campaign for Kotex.
If so, that doesn't bode well for her acting abilities as an adult. And I love me some True Blood.
I sure don't, except that it may or may not involve children dancing in a circle around a pole with flowers in their hair. Now that I think of it, that doesn't sound all that different from Festivus.
You bet your ass I had that exact same sheet set. Still have the pillowcase from it.
So I'm wondering, am I the only one who fast forwarded through the Jon/Ygritte lovefest? I'm thinking the answer is "uh yes, yes you are, freak show." Meh, I knew what was going to happen, I knew there would be a lot of "you know nothing Jon Snow," and "hey, I'm a virgin!" and yaaaaawn. Plus, I want Kit Harrington to…
I totally agree about Jack. His being pissy with Emily just rubs me the wrong way despite the fact that, as you said, his motivation is entirely clear. It makes no sense that his behavior pisses me off; it just does. Maybe it's because I want them to end up together and frolic in the sand while having beautiful babies?
Who was she on Dexter? I don't remember her from that at all.