It's such a small thing; I'm really not understanding the amount of complaints that are being directed your way.
It's such a small thing; I'm really not understanding the amount of complaints that are being directed your way.
See, I love Kors' bitchy comments. His comments are the only ones that have the ability to make me burst out laughing. And he's always interspersed them with comments that are truly kind and insightful to boot; if he was all bitchy all the time, then it would get old. Throughout the season, I really missed the humor…
Ahoy, me hearties! Where be the treasure? Shiver me timbers! Arrrrr.
Are you a straight woman and/or a gay man? I'm the former, and that has a lot to do with how much I enjoy the show. If you're neither, then your mileage may vary. With the amount of man candy on that show, it's a wonder that I've never gone into hyperglycemic shock over the past years.
I swear to god there was another picture there. Honest to goodness! Oh well.
I'm not sure if the picture for this review is a promo for this season (as opposed to an earlier one), but if it is, I guess that means that Betty's eventually going to be skinny again? And a blonde?
I stopped watching OUaT pretty much right after Barbara Hershey joined. I didn't stop because of her (it was in spite of, actually), or even consciously, I just found that I really didn't care what happened next. Have I missed anything good? Should I revisit, or stay away?
@jerodast:disqus I know, I know, I should use hulu. I'm just so damn impatient. What I used to do with Fringe was watch it via those "other means," then go to hulu the next day and play the episode about 4 or 5 times without actually watching it. I was super motivated to do that because I adored Fringe and knew that…
@avclub-c1bac1d55ebcc415d61552acbfbb219d:disqus Ok, thanks. No wonder that flew right over my head.
What do you mean?
I don't own a television and watch all my shows by "other means." Are you saying that NBC preempted Grimm last night for Boston news coverage? If so, that's very interesting, because I watched the heck out of the new episode of Grimm last night through those "other means" I mentioned above.
Speaking of Grimm, where is the review of last night's episode? Did AV Club stop reviewing it?
I, too, am a lefty who wears my watch on my right wrist! And @avclub-fd49932f918497f20b2931ddc110bcbe:disqus , you're right, most lefties I meet wear their watches on their left wrists. There have been two different times in which I met a person, noticed that they were wearing a watch on the right wrist and then…
Whoa, you weren't kidding when you said that picture is spoilery. Now I'm dying to know the back story!
So I just watched that sneak peek, and at one point Dexter says to Deb, "You missed LaGuerta's memorial." And I thought to myself, LaGuerta died? Then I realized I'd already completely forgotten what happened in last season's finale, which aired less than 4 months ago. Way to be memorable, Dexter.
Now you're asking way too much of me.
The Rocky Horror kid is the son of Beeman, the cheating FBI agent. Regarding Paige and Henry, Phillip and Elizabeth's kids, they're really old enough to be left at home by themselves, in my opinion. Paige is 13, which makes Henry around 10, probably. I was babysitting when I was 13, and my parents definitely had no…
Yes! I was trying to place him.
Mind you, I saw one commenter online who took the Ontario license plates to mean the show was set in California. (There's a city in California called Ontario.)
Ok, I get it now.