"Oh How Women Suffered bullshit"? So I guess that whole sexism thing has been made up?
"Oh How Women Suffered bullshit"? So I guess that whole sexism thing has been made up?
Worst Sopranos episode ever.
Seriously, how did he get Trudy? One of life's great mysteries.
No, what you saw was fucked up audio that wasn't part of the actual HBO airing. I'm assuming you watched the show by "other means."
Or maybe just to see some Alfie Allen ass? I mean come on, this show isn't watched by only straight men. More man ass, please.
Daniel is from Austin, Texas, which is nothing else like the rest of state. It's like an oasis in the middle of a hellhole. So don't start feeling okay about Texas, start feeling okay about Austin. You couldn't pay me to venture anywhere else in that state. I apologize to any Texans on here who may feel differently.
That was the only double safe of the season. I expected it at some point because of the double auf (Kate and Tu) from earlier on.
See, I thought of it more as, how likely is Patricia going to have another chance at her age compared to Layana, who is practically a baby. She certainly acts like a baby. I won't miss her whining.
I really want a animated gif of Daniel weeping in the confessional room right after he found out he was going to Germany and saying, "sob… sob… I'm so excited"
Nina may hate Patricia, but Heidi loves her. I'm convinced that Heidi is the only reason Patricia made it as far as she did.
Your AW HELL NAW has much less impact here without your former T-Dogg avatar, Yee Yee!
Because, as you know, even TODAY — a fulll 30 years later! — we see those type of black/white inter-racial relationships ALL the time, and EVERYWHERE around us — right??
I'm going to go ahead and assume this is a joke if only for the anachronism of a Pullman car in 1981…
Yeah, I agree with K. Thrace. I'm actually not a huge fan of Stan's. He cheats on his wife, keeps a distance from his family, and killed a random young man who was essentially a secretary at the KGB headquarters, very far from a foot soldier. And all because he was pissed and wanted revenge. Stan's killing of Vlaad…
This will just never ever get old for me. Makes me crack up every single time. I even laugh now when he says it on GoT.
I think Gleeson looks like a butch lesbian. No attraction here.
The actors they chose for Meera and Jojen look nothing like I imagined them to be. I think Meera is described as having two long braids, for one thing, and I pictured Jojen as being younger.
Yeah, the Theon plot arch is one of my favorite of the series, but I, too, could do without the torturing. Of course it's the torturing that gives birth to Reek, and I find that whole Reek in Winterfell part very fascinating… but 30 episodes of torturing? No thanks.
@avclub-e6d73cabfe2968cfa5b4718ca385241b:disqus Holy shit! So basically you were dating a psycho with a preternatural sense of smell.
I had a girlfriend who could sense the smell of my cum inside my blue jeans from ten paces.