
I thought that North Koreans don't like the US in general? But now you're telling me that it's only the west coast they hate? AND I have to wait for Mad Men?!!? Shit, time to move.

Argh, I'm on the west coast. I WANT TO SEE MAD MED RIGHT NOW DAMMIT. *shakes fist angrily*

Ah, thanks FeelUseful and PhillipDC, I am indeed unfamiliar with all things Archer-related. I totally lied about the handjob. I'm saving that for marriage.

Ok, I'm sort of drunk, and I was when I watched this episode (about 5 hours after it had aired on the East Coast). I found it super boring. Maybe I'd enjoy it more if I was sober?

See, I don't necessarily think that because Michelle wasn't in the previews that it means that she failed the "do or die." If they had put her in the previews, then it wouldn't be a cliffhanger. Also, the way that Heidi put it, that they were "about to send her home," it seemed like she may actually be sent home, but

I, like all of you, am flummoxed about all this shit. Why the fuck is this review up already? Did I drink so much I missed a few days, blah blah blah.

Seriously, Weiner just amps the ugly for Pete with every season. You almost forget that Vincent Kartheiser is relatively attractive. Especially with John Hamm around. Pretty much every man out there looks like Igor next to John Hamm.

I wish. It would be a huge improvement.

Ok, I have to finally say it. Trask is a male Clea Duvall. Every time I see him, I'm convinced that it's her with a haircut.

Wait, aliens? Are you pulling my leg? If this is true, then nevermind, I'm going to continue watching TWD, because I'm pretty sure I've never seen zombie aliens before. Unless we're talking Mexicans; I think they've given us zombie Mexicans.

Why just limit him to the single mom survivors? Them zombie single moms need some lovin', too. And somebody's got to teach them little zombie boys how to box.

It lets you know that the writers didn't read the book. They think Stephen King and assume all of his books have supernatural/fantasy elements.

If Richard had won over Patricia, I may very well have thrown a brick through my tv. And then I'd have to sue Richard and the judges for leaving me no choice but to destroy my expensive personal belongings.

Every time I see Lisa this season, I give a happy shout to the tv: "Lisa!!" I loved her on ANTM, and the fact that she is doing so well as a model on PR makes me happy. I remember her on ANTM as being such a kind, sweet soul who had no idea how gorgeous she was and, unfortunately, let bullying from other contestants

Oh god, I hope I never see Krissy on my tv screen again. I would have cheered if the hoodie vamp had killed her. She ruined the whole episode for me, and it was already bad to begin with.

There is just absolutely noooooo way Madeleine Stowe looks like she's 46. I would say that's a definite stretch for the show to make. In an earlier post someone gave a link to a supposed timeline for the show on a Revenge wiki. According to the timeline, Victoria was born in 1956, so it looks like the show is having

I was just saying last week that all will be forgiven if the TWD writers give me the sweet Easter Sunday gift of a zombie dressed like Jesus staggering around in the background at some point during the finale. Talk about a fucking Easter egg.

Kudos to Kevin Smith for making me think of that scene whenever I'm eating something chocolate and it melts on my hands.

I like Skyler, and I pity Betty Draper as one does a child with a large harelip, but I can't stand Andrea. She needs to die.

Reedus looked totally different to me this episode, like the makeup made him look 10 years younger like a woman and his hair was all emo.