
Oh yeah, I forgot about the black therapist that Hank got creepily rough with, and about the rhino wesen, who I do think was in the cage fighting episode. Perhaps rhino wesen got into cage fighting after black lady therapist suggested it as a therapeutic outlet during one of those support group sessions.

I'm also predicting that she wins the whole thing, which might be the reason she seems to be getting a kinder edit these days. I'm thinking Stanley, Layana, and Michelle for the final 3, though who knows with this show.

Suuuuure you are.

I've never been to Portland, but according to wikipedia, 6.3% of the city's residents are black, so to have had this Wesen be black (and thus more likely to have Kenyan ancestors), would still match what some other locals look like. I blame the general dearth of black people on tv shows. Now that I think of it, has

Excuse me?!? What on earth motivated you to bring race into this? Black women do not have a monopoly when it comes to bad taste in clothing, and implying that black women's clothing choices are generally "ghetto" is ridiculously insulting. I've got some bathing suits in my wardrobe, but you wouldn't catch me dead in

I don't really understand the level of hate targeted toward Michelle 'round these parts. Perhaps it's true of the PR fan base in general; I don't really read TLo that much. She grated on me a bit too at first; I thought she was kind of a bitch, and the fact that every team she was on ended up losing didn't help. But

Take a look at the last paragraph of your first response to me. Do you see the phrase "completely unrealistic"? I sure do.

Facts and stats? The only stat you reported was the percentage of black students in the Harvard student body!!!! Furthermore, you accuse me of only giving merit to my anecdotal evidence (which is untrue) while doing exactly that yourself. Your opinion ≠ stats and facts.

Yes, for once someone was able to recognize what are meant to be essentially the exact same facial features in a different proportion to the face. We all know that little Emily is not actually played by a young Emily VanCamp, but in real life I'd say that adults (especially young ones) tend to resemble what they

Ah, so you weren't being sarcastic. First, I never said that I take issue with the show's lack of diversity. That happens to not be the case. What I do take issue with is the statement you made in your original comment and with pretty much all of what you've said in the comment above.

But @avclub-94d231f11cdc1fae024849f33f7a7156:disqus , the Governor HAS HIS LEFT EYE. Actually, I'm legally blind in my right eye due to a retinal detachment I sustained in the past, so believe me, I know what I'm talking about. The peripheral vision in my right eye is non-existent, but the peripheral vision in my left

Um, WHAT? All babies are round, dude! Round heads, round cheeks, round bellies; babies be round!

Er, you do realize that black people and other minorities go to Ivy League schools, right? And that there is racial diversity among circles of friends at those schools?

You win in gimmick poster-ing, sir.

It's funny (though now clearly unintentionally so) because, if you don't watch TV shows at all, what the fuck are you doing browsing and COMMENTING on the TV section of a pop culture website? That's like me going on a Sanrio website and commenting on its message board even though I think Hello Kitty is stupid as hell.

And Lucy always made him look like a little bitch, especially when it came to punting footballs.

Hear, hear, dude. As a mental health professional who has struggled with deep, dark clinical depression in a long-ago past, I am always so incensed when I hear people spout the "just get over it" bullshit, or the "antidepressants are just crutches" load of crap. Please, if that's what you think, stop being an ignorant

I love you, Yee Yee.

I assume that people will complain about anything on Twitter.

That haircut had me in tears. I mean, way to make yourself look like a monk, Hannah. A "volumptuous" (as Laird said it) monk.