Riley Keough married the Doof Warrior's stunt double (Ben Smith-Petersen). Doof Warrior's lead actor, iOTA, doesn't really go for the females
Riley Keough married the Doof Warrior's stunt double (Ben Smith-Petersen). Doof Warrior's lead actor, iOTA, doesn't really go for the females
I clicked through a dozen pages of comments looking for a mention of this album. A truly horrendous cover… Goatse 10 years before its time :-(
The only video game soundtrack I actually carry with me at all times is a selection of World of Warcraft tunes on a USB stick. Mostly for nostalgia purposes, it's older music for areas in the game I don't really visit much anymore. Other MMOs with awesome music are Aion (very unique epic sounding Korean music) and the…
Soule's work on the Guild Wars soundtrack was so good that ArenaNet re-used close to half of it for Guild Wars 2. And not because they're cheap… Soule is just that good
Oh hey, late reply but the way Disqus works these days you'll probably still read this. It's definitely not the Happy Noodle Boy aesthetic, she enjoys lots of other similarly primitive cartoons, both still and animated. It's not the mean-spirited tone, either. It's the sense or surreal, unhinged insanity that bugs…
I only checked the comments to search for other people complaining about the omission [of Portal]
Oh, man… ActRaiser. That game was a mindblowingly beautiful introduction to the 16-bit era for me in 1992. Played it at my friend's house and obsessed about it non stop for 6 months until I could hoard enough money for my own SNES to run it.
He's definitely not for everyone. I love every second of his work but my wife can't stand him. I bought the Bitter Films Vol. 2 DVD (yes these still exist) with an Amazon gift card I got for Christmas. She walked out of the living room three minutes into Wisdom Tooth and still refuses to watch It's Such A Beautiful…
Is that the "Underworld Money Maker" DLC? I read someone on some other forum say that was the only really awesome DLC for this game. But I haven't gotten it yet because I haven't really needed Macca, I use Play Coins to bribe Charon when I die and if some demon tries to shake me down for cash during negotiations, I…
The main problem with the controls is that what I really need (circle pad to move, analog stick to adjust the targeting reticle) is not an option, instead the circle pad and analog stick are permanently bound to each other. This is… unfortunate.
It's going to be another weekend with the New 3DS for me, I'm biding my time with older stuff until Xenoblade Chronicles comes out in a few weeks. With the impending demise of the Club Nintendo loyalty program, it was time to burn off all my coins, and Kid Icarus: Uprising seemed to be the best available option. The…
I still haven't played any of those games, Nintendo wanted to give me Earthbound for free last year via their loyalty program, but I don't own a Wii U. I'm familiar with Ness though because he's a fighter in SSB, his home map in that game is completely bonkers, and a little creepy too (I think due to the music)
It's gonna be a Nintendo weekend for me too… I just picked up my New 3DS XL earlier in the week and it runs Super Smash Bros. WAY better than my original 3DS. I'm mostly buying the system for Xenoblade Chronicles in a few weeks, although I still have a huge backlog of other 3DS games to work on… Pokemon Y, Fire…
Jack Valenti in particular can suck a big fat one
No, no he did not. What he actually did was tell someone to run *backwards* naked through a field of dicks. Otherwise someone would see them and like, be able to avoid them or something
Ahh, here's the video game designers sub-thread. This comments thread needs more video game designers, badly.
Same here… I haven't bought a Beck album since Sea Change, which not coincidentally is the time I found out he was a Scientologist.
EDIT: —-Back to KoA after my Smash threadjack—-
Wario gave me fits for a while until I switched my fighter from Meta Knight to Sonic The Hedgehog. There is obviously some sort of rock-paper-scissors dynamic going on with these fighters, I suppose figuring it out is part of the fun of the game. Or I could always just cheat and read the Wiki :-P