silent thucydides

Have they got it wrong lately?

No, "When The Pawn…" has been released on CD, cassette tape and even MiniDisc, but never on vinyl. As for the other two Fiona Apple albums, "The Idler Wheel…" is out of print on vinyl and used copies go for over $100, and "Extraordinary Machines" is in print for a normal price on Plain Recordings but (like nearly all

I'm definitely going to pick up that new Pond album ASAP, I have their last two and they are phenomenal. At the risk of sounding a bit blasphemous I think I even like them better than the most recent Tame Impala record (although not the first two). Soooooo much good music coming out of Australia these days, I have

That's a pretty bad ass lineup if you like doom, I am way over on the other side of the country and don't go to many shows as I used to (although I will be seeing Neurosis later this summer) but I hope you have an awesome time. I'm excited to see Inter Arma on your list since they are such a new up & coming doom band

Listening to Fiona Apple "Tidal" on vinyl this week as my vinyl subscription club sent me a copy, apparently it never got a vinyl release back in the late 90s as this was the era of Peak CD.

The catapult that flings jet aircraft off of naval carriers. Then (ideally) the jet fires its engine in midair and flies away.

You mean the ad telling us to stop surfing the internet and drink beer instead? Seems ordinary enough. Or did you get targeted with a more "special" advertisement for some odd reason

I think [it's] an entirely reasonable perk that the president gets an extra dish of sauce

Maybe "Barely Boy" is what you get when you machine translate Barack Obama into Sanskrit and back 10 times. I just Googled it thinking it was some sort of alt-right in-joke but all that came back was a bunch of gay porn. Which may have been the actual joke.

One flop does not always kill a director.

Portland, which is too close to Seattle

I got a copy of the Metroid Prime Trilogy used a few weeks ago and I will be honest, the controls have got me pretty frustrated… I might need to recalibrate my Wiimote because I feel like with every slightest twitch of my forearm Samus starts trying to spin her head around inside her helmet like Linda Blair in The

You're a lucky robot, Yuji, my local GameStop only got 17 Switch consoles and preorders sold out before noon the day they became available. I actually waited outside my store 15 minutes before it opened just to preorder back in January and wasn't even the first person in line. My fanboyism was rewarded with one of

Just got home from GameStop with a Switch, two copies of Zelda (including one for my Wii U), Bomberman R, a Pro Controller, and an eShop card to get Snipperclips. My boss just approved my vacation request for today so yes, bring it on indeed.

It's not even impotence, it's more like, incompetence. It'd be like, drinking a fifth of whiskey, and then locking yourself out of your house when it's 20 degrees outside, and only *then* start trying to beat off.

My major non-2016 pop-culture consumption was in video games, where I finished several Game Boy Advance cartridges for the first time, all of them between 10 to 15 years old: Castlevania - Circle of the Moon, Castlevania - Harmony of Dissonance, and the Legend of Zelda - The Minish Cap. Over in TV and movies, I

I thought the 30 percent of America that thinks Red Dawn is a documentary is what got Trump elected, but what the hell do I know

"Castlevania has a few of these"

Yep, Nirvana hit in December '91 for me, flu season started 3 weeks before Xmas and I caught it, I was so sick I couldn't do anything except lie on the couch and watch MTV for days straight, not even play my beloved NES (SNES had just come out but it would be a few months before I could save up enough summer job money

I'm gonna have to throw The Graduate under the bus. It has NOT aged well. Very outdated ideas of gender norms, the protagonist Ben is a weird stalker with emotional problems and the young heroine Elaine spends most of her time staring blankly into the camera like wildlife stunned in the glare of headlights. Meanwhile