
Here in Ireland I'm amazed they're even bothering to market the film. The utter contempt to which she held the entire island and its populace mean her legacy here is about on a par with potato blight.

Sounds like it would be a lot like "Caprica", which was sort of proof that such an idea is very difficult to make into something good/entertaining.

In the set of credits at the end of the trailer, Walter Hill's name (who write the original screenplay for the first Alien) is among the producers. I think most of them are on board anyway.

In terms of bad movie / good movie ratio, between Alien, Blade Runner, and Gladiator, he gets a lifetime pass to make as many Robin Hoods as he wants.

Birth of a Nation was D. W. Griffith. And the wands in it looked a lot like burning crosses. Special effects were odd then.

Agreed. Though when one notices, one cannot help but be reminded that the DRC is the rape capital of the world, and anyone like that would probably have been the victim of sexual violence at some point while in the country. What a horrific place…

But Isabella Leong, the chinese character that Branden Fraser's character's soon hooks up with, is pretty hot in it. Not a total loss.

I'm there too! Hi Nenechan!

Bad dates.

She's pretty amazing, Japanese or not. Even in a film without much in the way of elaborate makeup and lighting, such as Cache, she is stunning. She is also very socially conscious and proactive.

Earthsea is pretty bad, and I say this as a guy who credits seeing Princess Mononoke as the reason I decided to become an animator.

Great to see FF Tactics get some love.


Hopefully the ads are just a nostalgic throwback to 1994 when video gamers were apparently kids (never mind that there was already a segment of adults who were playing video games.)

So have Edge been losing their badass harsh rating habits, or what? I always feel like we lost Famitsu as a badass harsh rating publication ever since they gave Final Fantasy XIII a perfect score…

I wouldn't expect or condone the family to facilitate your crack-whore sister's murder.

While I too stopped listening to Filmspotting after Sam left and simply cannot get back into it, Sam was responsible for what I thought was the Sam-era's worst moment on the show, I think it was one of the episodes commemorating a round numbered episode, I dunno.

No love for Gaston's song? Granted as a story device it merely reiterates fairly late in the film what's already been clearly established about the character — that he's a narcissist with delusions of manly power — but it adds the impression that the entire town buys into his egotism and enables him. And halfway

Sorry Laura, but I like to have visual pleasure from movies, and so do most women. Go take your cinema of unpleasure and whine somewhere else.

What bothered me about people's response to "300" on racial / sexual terms was that no one considered that you could look beyond which side was the middle eastern one and which was the western one.