
I once had a chat with Tomm Moore, one of the directors of The Secret of Kells, where he professed that Samurai Jack was the best animated character of all time, so it's not surprising you'd notice the similarity.

I looked up "Syncretism" on UrbanDictionary and was very disappointed to find the real definition.

Irish here too, Kelly McDonald's accent was okay, with some hints of her actual scottish accent breaking through occasionally. Remember, she's done the Irish accent thing before, in "Intermission", where she tried her hand at a Dublin accent (she failed, but so did Cilian Murphy, who's from Cork)

There's a preview scene at the soundtrack's page that gives a better impression of the film than the trailer did: http://nullco.com/TSN/ (Not that I'm trying to hype the soundtrack, but there just happens to be a 30 second clip there.)

I'm just going to say that I saw it at a press screening a few days ago and I can't stop thinking about it. It is actually remarkably good. I'd put it more as Pirates of Silicon Valley meets Roshomon with a strong score and great cinematography.

Don't forget Masaki Kobayashi, who made Samurai Rebellion, Kwaidan, and my favorite Hara-Kiri. He was in the infantry for Japan during WWII in China and refused at several points any offers to be made an officer.

Oops, that's "boss" not "boos." Note to self, do not post at 5:44am

It would have been more plausible if baseball had been mentioned out of context i nthe first act of the episode, like if the front desk security guard said

Another Day on Earth is the first Eno album I ever listened to, so I still have a major soft spot for it, even if I mainly like it for three or four songs more than as a whole work. "And Then So Clear" and "This" are songs that never fail to grab a vice-hold on my brain and fill it with imagery.


Stealth second-sies?

In 2007, the only election I've been able to vote in, I gave Labour #1 and Fine Gael #2. I do understand that they are far from perfect, and Enda Kenny couldn't inspire ice to melt on a stove, but I was voting against the incumbents primarily. Like Obama said in 2004, if a bus drives into a ditch, sure you try and get

Thing about that is, Elvis Costello actually was in New Orleans at the time the series is set recording an album.

All that being said, of the two main internationally-known directors that Ireland has produced thus far, being Jim Sheridan and Neil Jordan, I'd take Jordan any day of the week. The Crying Game and The Butcher Boy are still rock-solid, while Jim Sheridan has such a dreary non-aesthetic that I wonder why he doesn't


24, almost 25, out of college 2 years, unemployed for one, went back to college and about to finish that and return to unemployment, and yes i'm more inclined to agree with Neil Jordan. It was a combination of corrupt Fianna Fail politicians and their Construction / Development friends allowing each other to go


Cookie Monster just brought a tear to my eye.

Yes, she was absolutely hypnotic in The New World, I'll readily admit that even if she is distressingly young in it. Plus, she wears maybe a single square foot of leather in it.
