
@avclub-404bfdece06f0fc5ba56bef1e19d8896:disqus  In 2011, NASA's budget was 0.53% of the US federal budget. It is not prohibiting other problems being solved.

The name is one of the biggest things dooming this film (What's odd that that after the opening title of "John Carter" you finish the film with an end title of "John Carter of Mars" with that clever little hieroglyph logo that was in the original posters.

What Chris Nolan himself says the point of that final shot is that Cobb isn't even looking at the top. He has found happiness and he's no longer concerned with constantly verifying reality.

Haha, okay quite a bit of take in here…

OK I feel bad for posting a long rant like this. Just ignore me.

Also, I heartily second that the Okonomiyaki in Nara is utterly delicious (I'm not sure if I got it in one of those places Harushika's thinking of, but it was miles better than what I got in Kyoto)

Yeah, it bugs me when people say Japan is expensive. I live in Ireland, and when I visited Japan (back in 2007) I was astonished at what amazing value I was getting everywhere. Food, hotels (Ryukans, specifically) and booze were all much much cheaper than what I have to deal with in Ireland.

I really, really didn't like "Fly", personally. It made me sad that that was the Rian Johnson directed episode. I just think it disrupts the entire momentum of the series, has dumb, cartoonish antics, and even if one dismisses Walt as being pretty crazed in the episode, the premise is so silly and out of character I

The only thing I could think of would be that due to the tiny openings of their teapots and cups, the surface tension of the water would make it more difficult for droplets to form.

Isn't it extraordinary that one filmmaker came up with both of those? How many other directors demonstrate that kind of range today. There are some, but not many.

1. Princess Mononoke
2. Kiki's Delivery Service
3. Whisper of the Heart
4. Spirited Away
5. Grave of the Fireflies

I personally see Princess Mononoke as a lose remake of Nausicaa, with boars instead of ohmu bugs, and Nausicaa becomes a dude with a freaky arm. Most of the story beats roughly correspond, and I see it as his way of doing the project justice once he had the resources to put a proper budget behind it.

As an animator myself (yes, a baldfaced attempt at extra credibility!) I'd prefer people to look at the painstaking work that is on the screen rather than read subtitles. Miyazaki is, I believe, on record for saying essentially the same thing.

Dulce et decorum est pro Firstia mori.

You're one of us, aren't you? You've felt the pain of animating on 1's when it would look just fine on 2's…

Perhaps. There are quite a few.

Oh, I'm also going to recommend that people check out Sion Sono's latest film "Cold Fish." Also, I'd recommend not reading anything about the plot or seeing trailers beforehand (if you like his previous films, you're bound to like Cold Fish anyway)

It's not necessarily perverted to watch this, it IS a bit perverted to check it out at all after reading any summary of it.

I saw this on New Year's Day in 2010, the summary of "Catholicism meets Japanese Martial Arts Upskirt Photography with an epic running time" sold my ticket in a heartbeat. The overall effect is not so much "epic" in the Lawrence of Arabia vein, more like watching a month's worth of a strange soap opera all at once.