
the threat was real.

i've really got to get 'our band could be your life.' i've listened to half the bands in it for years, but don't know anything about them really (well, besides wikipedia).

i'd have to say out of the buttholes i'd have to go with:

back in highschool my female friends thought they were invincible because of their bras and… well god-given hidey-holes.

should we release zomofo upon them like the kracken in clash of the titans?

sons of bitches!

i'm still looking forward to that filipino box spring hog cookin' up back home.

for bonnie prince billy!

hmmm… give me another minute…
i'll have what mr. waits is having.

you might not be able to save yourself from this one…

that is all.

here is help to unleash OUTRAGEOUS emotional meanderings:

these guys really did change my views on what music could be. but, how can they not be playing the southwest? this is almost a cruel joke to have them playing 3 east coast towns.

history books always gloss over the real reason the war was fought.

damnit, jerry seinfeld told me this would happen!

so hey there,

i was fairly flabbergasted that someone would be able to actually name the dessert in their description of what that unnameable thing was.

"what do you hipster douchebags want to hear?"

well of course we must be aware that there is a food chain of cannibalizing bands. i would say these guys are minnows musically, the jesus lizard probably a catfish of sorts, you know its a bottomfeeder. although i love the black flag and mission of burma, i'm struggling to think of what eats catfish besides myself.

i zoned out for at least 5 minutes visualizing the disbanded jesus lizard rising from the swamp i figure that they dwell in and devouring these twirps alive.