
damn.. 1968 for judas priest. i stand corrected, i knew priest was early, but thought it was early as in '76 early. when did priest kind of come into their signature sound though? i always had respect for them, but never sat down with an album like i did other legends. that might have to change…

i guess i'd just like to get a little more from the review. the original motorhead comment is more of a defense than anything else. i mean, in the pantheon of heavy shit, motorhead unarguably trumps metallica and judas priest, because those bands, and many others owe their existence to lemmy. so, dead child has the

after listening to a few more samples, the motorhead comparison doesn't riff well throughout the album. sounds like a lighter, more up tempo high on fire. and although i have no interest in griping on grades, any more info regarding what sets this as falling towards failing instead of mediocre par of the course would

legendary influences
listening to only this and one other clip of dead child, i can't say that it really strikes my fancy as anything amazingly new. but, i would like to comment on one thing:

i always used to say i'd do this or that when chinese democracy came.. obviously not expecting to ever have to cash those rain checks. maybe i can backtrack and say i meant real chinese democracy.

i just like how many times the phrase "urban" was used. PC bullshit always tends to be entertaining.

we do things a little diff-rently on these here hard rock threads mr. moe-dell. we don't take kindly to dis-claimers n' mentionen those coldplay boys.

oh stalin.. i tried the chinese knock-off and it just wasn't the same.

i believe in Chinese it is the first name that takes prominence as opposed to the last. hence.. "Wong" Wai? i dunno.

i think he's just sayin' that that was a piss-poor definition of fascism. un-ironically and all that.

i hear his collection was unsurpassed.

i'm an av clubber with guns, one who isn't too fond of control either. but just the same, the NRA has never been in my good graces.. they get their hands in shit they don't need to have them in.

god damnit..
so.. i kind of hate to be a douche and make this comment.. but its been bugging me.

not noticing a sort of Tool like vibe on that first track of the album, man?

oh.. i deeply appreciate it.

we can only blame ourselves, the online community.

Fahrenheit 451. the temperature at which fall out boy will burn.

Dear Brian Lowry…
all your base are belong to us. now welcome to our series of tubes.

"there's a reason why they call it 'dope.'"

I is scatterbrained
i clicked on this because for some reason i thought the link said, "my chemical romance."