
South Park did the psychic thing and The Simpsons did the quiet comforting followed immediately by loudly announcing a corpse hunt thing.

All these years and I had no idea that that was her in Spiderman(s).

I hope that you succeeded in your efforts to get them off your lawn.

I'm using "You just got sauced" at work tomorrow.

To save others from the mild searching:

Thin the herd
Anyone wearing sunglasses in the audience while waiting to perform: you're gone. No singing, no judging, just pack your things and go. It's over for you.

This is laying the groundwork for the spin-off, right?
Cuddy, Dean of Medicine

I'm sure that check was a sizable percentage of the guy's checking account.

I replaced my Comcast-issued (and constant thorn in my side) Motorola DVR for a Tivo HD about a year ago.


Every time they went to the in-blimp camera, it prompted Hindenburg jokes from all present.

And what of the population of the Earth-1 WTC? Or the Earth-2 Pentagon?


Earth-2 Walter, maybe?

You're lucky to not be so jaded by internet porn that you're able to get your jollies so cheaply.

Randy's got a case of the flats, too.

I've got three 3" CDs.


"Dry Cheez-its"

"Electro-Gonnorhea, the Noisy Killer"