
"Doughmaster Flash"

Huey Lewis got voted off in the second round.

It's all a virtual reality simulation for alien polar bears that are heading to Mars on a gene hunt.

Also excellent comedic timing, while coming back in from one of the later commercial breaks, as a line of people shuffle past.

I took my chances coming in to the Idol recap while waiting for the DVR to get enough under its belt for me to start watching. Don't make me regret my faith in humanity.

Only one sob story per customer.

This is like radio theater. Thumbs up.

This reminds me that I need to get that last Sunday strip out of flat storage to mat and frame it.

He certainly gives a more gregarious interview.

The time is right for Lost In Space II. I'm sure Matt's in.

I've been reading these recaps instead of watching, but I've got the last nine on the Tivo.

Somebody get Zamfir's agent on the horn!

Log off with a spoon.

Lissie - Everywhere I Go

Republican Scientologists.

Topol: The smoker's toothpolish

I don't know if I'm completely sold on V yet, and I'm watching it in English. Mad props to your class!

Preview for next week
Hey, a mythology episode… the alternate universe… buildings, people merging together… I'm really going to like this one.

I predict boffo box office biz from women who call their husbands "hubby."

Yeah, Venn this shit up.