
"Ah, she's built like a steakhouse but she handles like a bistro!"

It's afraid… IT'S AFRAID!

Sad to say, Pod Bay, but that PET register thing was the first that popped into my mind too. We should grab a beer and talk about the old days.

I read that as "Amelie's gorgeous weiner".

I thought that the phone number handoff was legit, in that the big guy was in fact gay.

Followed by her quick response to "Have you two been drinking?" Loved the whole sequence.

Dallas? Sure… and The Honeymooners rocked its Saturday night time slot too.

Hey… I like how the Fetus smells.

Big thumbs up for "Ow. My pride."

That's one streamlined plane
I didn't realize that the doors were open to the (exceptionally roomy) nose landing gear compartment until the plane rolled back over.

Recently, a friend of mine got a full-size Vigo print and had it stretched to a frame.

Civil, People's, Food…

It got the guy through, so kudos to him.

Yeah, by the time the regular season starts, I'm fastforwarding through those.

Hoping to breathe new life into the judging room…
Classy, Seacrest. Now go high-five the blind guy.

Sweet merciful crap, there were more outbursts of laughing in that one half hour than I had in the whole day leading up to it.

Heartbeats Accelerating was the first album of theirs that I got in 1990. I've filled in the blanks some in both directions since then.

Again, this year?

Those giant screen-killing ads destroy site performance.

The whispered comment sounded like the beginning of "murdered". I could have stopped it there, but I willingly hung around for the promo so I have no one to blame but myself.