
MacGyver was able to fashion a shotgun from rubber bands.

Yup, here's your problem.

Slow down Tubby! You're not on the moon yet!

Even now, days later.

That word, "cadence"… I don't think it means what you think it means.

The secret of white teeth was discovered by not only a woman, but a MOM.

It is really? When I first saw Ted strolling through the cubes, I thought he looked rather "Don Draper-y".

You should work in another. Modern Family is surprisingly funny.

I don't know… every time I see Depp's Mad Hatter I want to see it less.

What the fuck is Uhura doing in Crossroads?

Those are knuckles in that photo, right?

Everybody knows there's no such thing.

Thanks, Lala
Clips from Meteor (and not the "Tomorrow The World" tracks Lala is offering up) are available on The Shazam's site.

See if Ross Perot is available for a cameo.

How long until they shorten that five-minute intro? Midseason? Syndication?

I thought the whole idea of the SNPP selling power abroad and Carl's line about selling to "anyone who appreciates fine electricity" were, you know, jokes. It's ok for them not to make sense.

A third for Automan.

Fuck it
I'm only watching the last three minutes of the show from now on.

Yes, there's way too much auto-tune in the show — particularly in numbers that are supposed to be intimate, acoustic affairs.

Clerks 2
"The Fringe team tracks the fugitives to a convenience store, where one man has recently been made to pour coffee over his head and run into a glass cooler, while another has died from sticking his keys into an electrical socket."