
Here's my gateway to geeking out on GP:

The Lester Bangs reviews? Yes I have.  And like all Lester Bangs reviews it makes me wish the world was as cool as what ran through his head.

This is insane, you should absolutely start with Pretties For You or Easy Action.  Those records are total facemelters.
sidenote: Alice Cooper Band arguably the best America ever produced.  Discuss.

You really can not compare theatrically released animation with weekly series animation.  AT has a unique look and a beautifully fluid style that is simply miles beyond the dreck Hanna Barbera produced.

this review is the dumbest thing avclub has ever published

not to mention classic toplessness

I take full responsibility.  I chose to go to dinner with my parents even though I knew I'd miss Community and 30 Rock.  Sorry everyone.  Won't happen again.  Those people are dead to me until after sweeps.

love the OTR.  Shadow, Inner Sanctum, Dragnet, the Whistler, Suspense…..
used to listen to them constantly in college, but now I don't really have the attention span.  

yeah seriously, why don't you like this?  

I used to love the Katy Lied record until my buddy told me it sounded like the intro music to every bad 80s sitcom.  Now that's all I can hear.

…and a decent cheeseburger is about as close to paradise man will get

Maybe Jimmy Buffet knows what he's doing, but the people buying his records clearly don't.  Exactly how many songs do you need detailing how delicious margaritas are?

Alright, I'll say it. You are exactly right.

Goddamn I love the Monkees so much.  This is straight up tragic.  Hopefully coverage of his death will lead people to check out Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn & Jones Ltd or Head (record and movie).  Even some of those Nesmith solo albums while we're at it.  Lot of brilliant pop music out there for the taking…maybe we

you say "one-note Jon Dwyer project" like it's a bad thing

It took me awhile to get on board the Marked Men train, mostly due to my unwavering hatred towards all pop-punk, but the "Fix My Brain" LP made me a believer. 

One of my favorite records from last year.  A total facemelter.  Plus features at least one dude from Marked Men…facemelters in their own right.

Beulah were so good it's stupid.  Drag those albums are so hard to get.  I don't think they've been able to keep anything in print for more than a year since the late 90s

as an unemployed film school graduate there is nothing more irritating than watching a film about being an unemployed film school graduate.  It's not nearly as sexy as big business would lead you to believe.

I'm going to knock your block off!