
He was from Fairport NY, not Fairpoint.

!Attention! actually kicks a great deal of ass. I have a couple of their singles, kind of a Hot Water Music thing, but more streamlined.

!Attention! actually kicks a great deal of ass. I have a couple of their singles, kind of a Hot Water Music thing, but more streamlined.

There is no music being created, or ever having been created, that I hate more than Billy Joel.  I would rather listen to my own death rattle than one more of his bullshit songs.

There is no music being created, or ever having been created, that I hate more than Billy Joel.  I would rather listen to my own death rattle than one more of his bullshit songs.

Agreed.  The genius of this bought us another six months before we resort to Celebrity Thunderdome.

Agreed.  The genius of this bought us another six months before we resort to Celebrity Thunderdome.

Most of my jibberish comes from half remembered research from my years in film school/grad school/attempts to do something with all that energy.  However, I also have a critical edition of the novel with about 100+ pages of essays and assorted other goodies that started breaking down the book as parody. Then, as I am

Most of my jibberish comes from half remembered research from my years in film school/grad school/attempts to do something with all that energy.  However, I also have a critical edition of the novel with about 100+ pages of essays and assorted other goodies that started breaking down the book as parody. Then, as I am

In regards to Dracula, the novel is a parody of the gothic romance genre.  The book came out a solid 60+ years after the genre was dead.  If you read a few gothic novels, then Dracula, and then watch the film, you see what Coppola was going for.  I find the film to be a really faithful adaptation of the tone Stoker

In regards to Dracula, the novel is a parody of the gothic romance genre.  The book came out a solid 60+ years after the genre was dead.  If you read a few gothic novels, then Dracula, and then watch the film, you see what Coppola was going for.  I find the film to be a really faithful adaptation of the tone Stoker

So you're against Nazis?  Not afraid to court controversy, are you?

So you're against Nazis?  Not afraid to court controversy, are you?

"Truth be told, Get The Knack isn’t that great of an album"
I can't agree. Get The Knack is fucking awesome.  It's so good My Sharona is probably the worst song on it.  If you can find a more perfect pop song than Good Girls Don't I want to hear it.

"Truth be told, Get The Knack isn’t that great of an album"
I can't agree. Get The Knack is fucking awesome.  It's so good My Sharona is probably the worst song on it.  If you can find a more perfect pop song than Good Girls Don't I want to hear it.

Jerry's married to The Joker?

Jerry's married to The Joker?

Zookeeper 2: The Zookeepening

Zookeeper 2: The Zookeepening

How many movies have the formula of (famous personality) has to (compete in fad of the day) in order to raise $(20,000-60,000) in order to (save school/community center/inner-city program/nursing home/ and or pay for surgery)?