
"The Hobo News"

Best Dylan cover: Johnny Rivers doing Positively Fourth Street on his "psychedelic" record Realization.  Both soulful and soul crushing (in the best possible way)

It's developed a cult following among me.  Everything about that show was great. 

As a rabid Pollard junkie I actually think the last year may have been his finest since 94-96.  Boston Spaceships and Mars Classroom are nearly as good as he gets, Lifeguards was fantastic, the two solo records were average to slightly good and the GBV is fantastic.  All things considered that's a motherhumping bounty

Crispin Hellion Glover is one of my favorite people on Earth.  That is all.

I didn't think it was horrible and I didn't think it was funny.  So that probably does shake out to a B for SNL these days.


and I supposed to do what at work next week?

I don't know…I laughed myself pretty stupid during the whole hour. 

how many people must die before we finally learn gummi worms are tragically delicious?

neat…but how was the movie?

I love The Comeback so much my cassette label in college was called Jerkstore.  Never sold more than 20 copies of anything so I might be alone in my affection.

too bad you can't shave off bad at music

any cursory glance at VH1 Classic should tell you Iron Maiden is doing just fine, thanks

oh that was a crazy amount of lip sync

not going to bring up the hilariously bad lip-syncing job of Robyn's?

not really.  its kind of like a Bioshock victory lap.  I think I beat the game in like 6 hours and I am not, in any way whatsoever, talented at video games.  The new one is going to be in a new world with all kinds of fancy new plot.  But Bioshock 2 is glorified DLC

actually yeah, that's the perfect way to describe it

I think it's a little bit of both.  Bioshock is set in the ruins of an underwater city that was run according to Rand's ideals.  Essentially the city was quickly destroyed by unchecked industry…which is exactly the kind of thing that would happen to an underwater city that was run according to Rand's ideals.  I

without Fox news pundits you would never know about the muppets' war on christmas