
If not for Ayn Rand we wouldn't have Fox News pundits or Bioshock.  Think that alone makes it a not so secret success.

no War on Drugs? Kurt Vile? Rocket From the Tombs?  That's pretty disappointing

If only for Carbrain, The Wake wins.  Though I don't think that was on Factory.  Crispy Ambulance still gets the silver medal in my imaginary G2G of bands that may or may not have been active in Manchester during the 80s. 

Does Crispy Ambulance count?  Let's say they count and the answer to this G2G is Crispy Ambulance. 

You just made my day sad

I consider myself more of a Monkees obsessive…though maybe if I said "geek" people wouldn't assume I'm being all gimmicky

meanwhile Head is the perfect gateway to awesomeness. 


I don't know about your assessment of Incredible String Band.  For my money the best place to start is their album "I Looked Up."  There's enough proto-Americana in that record to placate those who really have no interest in the genre.  I've been about to open people up to the scene with that record on a few different

when I was 11 years old Rudy called me a sissy.  That is a true story.

I was really just referencing the Twilight Zone meets American Idiot angle to the newswire piece.  I actually have zero problem with bands…let's say borrowing heavily.  Huge Oasis fan, listen to a ton of garage rock, Yuck is currently on the turntable….other things I'm sure.

kind of figured the "being terrible" side of the equation is reason enough

He's already combined The Clash with being terrible…might as well branch out

Just like he couldn't sneak a David Bowie song in a World War II movie

I want this movie inside me

I used to date a girl who was obsessed with Ash.  Whenever I thing of anything annoying I'm glad is gone, I immediately go to her….and by extension Ash. 
Though outside of Pulp and Oasis I find the entire genre irritating as a dog's ass

I don't care what anyone says, Be Here Now is an awesome record.
And if it did kill off brit-pop? Well that's just reason to love it
more. Ten minute guitar solos AND we don't have to deal with Ash
anymore? Win-win.

So will this feature tiny lingerie models turned actresses or will it take place entirely within the lower intestine of a lingerie model?  Need details O'Neal!

you had me until the sax solo

I also watched Stunt Rock…a movie that is both stupid and perfect in equal quantities.