Mr Squibbon

At first I mistook Survivors for the reality tv show Survivor, and thought you were saying there were seasons of Survivor that doubled as Prisoner remakes.  Somebody needs to pioneer the genre of Surreality TV, where challenge winners assume the personality of #2 and cast members are suffocated to death by

Sliders = a good show for 2 seasons followed by 3 seasons of utter crap.

@avclub-1b1f9a3e639ecc53f335314fc9d8403b:disqus The level that the CW takes it to creates an uncanny valley effect.  It's like the human race, but too "perfect".

One of the best sci-fi 'series' I've ever seen was Black Mirror.  I put
series in quotes because it's a three episode long anthology (without a
host).  Sadly, to the best of my knowledge, it isn't (legally) available
in America. 
All of the episodes could easily be placed under the
heading of satire. That is to say,

Is this H+ the one that's on YouTube? Or is it available somewhere else?

Teenage girls, loyal? I don't know, they seem (like teenage boys) to be a remarkably fickle lot.  But they have deep pockets and no responsibilities.

I think there are three things at play. (Beyond, as you graciously put it 'the adult, rational reaction'). 
1. It's not like this hasn't happened before.  True, it's very drastic and is considered one of the absolute worst failures of the federal gov't. Also, it negatively impacts all sectors of the economy. But, the

De nada.

or she's bi.  That is an actual option.

@avclub-85ed7f6298463dd23ec7c56a57771a6d:disqus I think the point was that animation can be done cheaper (nowadays).  A flash animation (as an example of cheap animation) that only took a few weeks only needs a few sales to recoup its losses, so the studio doesn't have to shove it down our throats in a desperate

On the plus side, I can't see it lasting for very long.

Try Dwayne Johnson.

Star Spangled Banner is horrible.  Even when sung properly (which it almost never is) it has that terrible note.  I always saw it as an added f.u. to the rest of the world for when the US dominates the Olympics.  ("Not only did we pay our way to victory at the one thing your country does well, but now you have to

I guarantee that all of Marvel's staff and all of ABC's staff is willing to do whatever their Disney execs tell them. The Mouse wants synergy. It wants more and more exploitable Marvel intellectual properties and it wants ABC to be the anchor for their tv wing.

I think of this as an in-house Marvel project, rather than a Whedon one.  I think the problems you were seeing were writing-by-committee issues.

They probably will. As mentioned above, Dads probably won't make it through the whole season. I think they'll hold off judgement of B99 for a bit.  They used to give sitcoms and other slow burners a season and a rerun season to develop audience. I imagine now it's a season and internet buzz that they check.

They can't drop Dads fast enough.  B99 needs a much better lead in (maybe a different slot).

FYI: Nielsen tracks both but primarily it's concerned with "percentage of viewing public". The single digit numbers that are usually given (such as here) are 'how many tv's were tuned to that station as a percent of total tv units' (to overly simplify things). Also, they give a more useful audience share number (how

@avclub-e56eea9a45b153de634b23780365f976:disqus The FCC is currently shut down.  Check the FCC website for details… "Two employees [not commissioners] will be retained for critical oversight issues." I have no idea what that means, presumably it's for actual emergencies, not Janet Jackson-style incidents. O/T: whitehou