Only slightly more watchable than the Grammys.
Only slightly more watchable than the Grammys.
Was that bad bad or good bad?
Please tell me Patton Oswalt has.
One of his problems seems to be that his caps-lock key is broken.
I 'liked' this, but only because I couldn't find a 'love' button… no, homo.
@xtopherquietmind:disqus , "People of substance tend not to care for it." Firstly, nightclubs don't have any interest in attracting 'people of substance'. Secondly, that group is entirely arbitrary and appears to be based around an a priori assertion. Thirdly, and more generally, you're response is willfully ignorant…
It really doesn't help Kanye's case that his response was literally, 'Yeah well, Jimmy Kimmel has a stupid face."
I'm gonna be really disappointed if that doesn't become a meme.
"Maybe $25 million?" He took home $35 mil off one tour in that period. It's hard to split up how much money that album and tour made (considering it was a double bill), but I do think his point (such as it was) was that hip hop is no longer an 'niche' genre but was more relevant than rock now. (Though he said it…
I had the same reaction to Constantine and I was sober at the time. It's a terrible movie that could have had it's moments, if Keanu Reeves wasn't in it.
The show is probably not for you. The first episode is, if anything, less drab than the rest of the series (though, the animation quality does improve some, the stylistic suck remains, and is a big part of the show). The show keeps a fair amount of the maniacal laughter but has more 'shouting random things' humor.
The remakes that completely change the series just seem weird to me especially since they didn't have an established brand name they were trading off of. Why not just sell it as something new?
I know jack all about Danish, so I don't know what connotations the original word has. To an American audience (or at least to me), 'The Crime' sounds like it's going to be about a heist, then I go to generic misdemeanors. 'The Violation' has rape implications and doesn't get across anything really about the show…
I thought The Killing, did a good job of translating the setting, similar to Insomnia. If done well, I think remaking gets the shows concept across without distracting the audience.
Homeland/Prisoner of War is a strange example. Given how much of the premise got changed, why didn't they just make a new show? They…
too soon… too soon…
I think that Seth MacFarlene is costing them too much. As @avclub-4acd793a645f227d84ddb7c4c3f16603:disqus pointed out, Simpsons doesn't have that many seasons in it and Fox has to be ready to replace them. Simpsons cast is at holding out for more of the DVD revenue and part of the merch. Fox could use the extra cash…
Inanimate Carbon Rod is a shoe-in to win this contest.
Oh yeah, that's right.
I just have this vague memory that they did a Mulder 'origin story' and that involved the Gunmen. Maybe I just imagined it.
I'd hate to see a prominent writer/director go against the grain and give roles to minorities. Next we'll have black and white actors in the same shows.
Dads took such a critical drumming, it needs better numbers to justify keeping it on.