Mr Squibbon

That seems really unnecessarily personally. If you really dislike the author that much, just check the byline and skip articles by him.

Depending on definitions, grunge either included, led to, or promoted: Hole, L7, and much if not all of the Riot Grrl movement, all of which were about fundamentally challenging (female) gender norms. That doesn't directly go against your thesis. Just something that needs to be considered along side it.

IIRC correctly, it's a really random detail that doesn't have anything to do with the plot… Still, they're in the 7-12 yr old range, so hopefully not. On the other hand, they are probably the most likeable characters on the show, and amongst the very few characters presented as 'redeemable'.

It probably does just come down to sheer name recognition, but, for my part, I always remember Neil Young but forget Husker Du because I like the latter and don't like the former. When I think of Neil Young, three things jump to mind, in order: 1) Crosby, Stills and Nash should have come up with a less unwieldy name

I agree. It really isn't that terrible a song. The first few times I heard it, I thought it was entirely forgettable. After a half-dozen times, I started to like it. Then it went back to being forgettable. It really wasn't until the thousandth time or so, that I really started to bitterly resent it.

No, that never happened. Nobody has to admit that happened. We can all just continue along in a world where that didn't happen.

If you swap out Smashing Pumpkins for Alice in Chains, then you get much closer to a cohesive sound (not exact but still common instrumentation, tunings, etc) and a few common influences (Neil Young and Black Flag both jump to mind), even common lyrical themes. It's by no means a completely defined genre like that,

Mostly off-topic but re: "…maybe being lonely in the occasional
rock ballad." I remember these rock ballads being more or less the
dominant radio-friendly-unit-shifters before GnR brought mainstream rock
back to being about virtuosos getting fucked up on drugs and STDs and
selling out giant stadiums. Then Nirvana (et

I'm fairly certain that all three (Pixies, Dinosaur Jr, and Nirvana) toured together (with Sonic Youth headlining). Point is… well what @avclub-62f159a345b831fe51dd7762eb576278:disqus said… it's just one of those half-truths that people bandy around the internet largely stemming from something Cobain once said and

It gets bonus points for the fact that it could be read as 'stalkers on the verge of a serious breakdown."

Though, hopefully not your browser history.

Those strips were brilliant (on a technical level) compared to everything else on the page in 2003. But compared to Bloom County, they were… disappointing to put things mildly.

Sorry, no. I've only seen it mentioned by implication. I really don't want to speculate here, because things seem to already be suffering from being muddled.

Very good point.

It had a lot of interesting things to say and maybe think about things I haven't thought about before.

Season 5

"Trife," is what he meant. It has a similar definition.

I wouldn't say that I didn't like season 2 but I think that the main
weakness of the show was the slow start of each season. Season 2 was
the only one I really had to force myself through (I was watching after
it aired, so I had committed to the whole series).
The satisfying conclusion is why I would say it was the

On the one hand I'm glad that Saw is done, on the other hand I was really hoping something would come along to take it's place.

$75k, and national exposure isn't exactly pittance. It's more than enough to live off of and prospects for the future. The syndicates are assuming most of the risk, so why shouldn't they profit?