Maybe I'm in the minority here, but I'm finding lots of people to like.
Maybe I'm in the minority here, but I'm finding lots of people to like.
I think I heard (maybe in an interview with Tony?) that there was a little bit of editing magic in that. After it became clear that his spying was going to be important to the story, they had Tony stand in the spy shack and pretend to be spying on someone when nobody was there, then edited that footage in with the…
I was going to reply and tell you that it wasn't guaranteed that Shirin is going home next, but I can't type that with a straight face.
I've always suspected that the perfect Survivor physique is like the Kingpin in Daredevil: a lot of muscles hidden under a thick layer of fat.
At some point in the series, there is a bit of handwaving about how you have to go through a given memory in chronological order, and nobody knows where in a given memory the important info will be. So, you have to remember Enzio buying a hair salon (and engaging in a million random side missions) before you can get…
Welp, my So stock is worthless and I think it's time to sell Dan. Can I switch over to:
Carolyn, Jenn, Kelly, Max
Two things in fairness to Vecepia… First, it was only Survivor's fourth season. The received wisdom was that there were two ways to win Survivor: to be an evil manipulator like Richard Hatch, or a nice loyal guy like Ethan. The idea that you could play the game hard and still be a good person was pretty new. Vecepia…
OK, I pick Shirin.
Actually, on reflection, I'd like to swap So for Shirin. My picks would then be:
Dan, Jenn, Kelly, So
Sure! How does it work? I've never been clear on that..
My picks: Dan; Jenn; Kelly; Shirin.
Yes, absolutely!
I loved the fact that Probst seemed genuinely excited by the historic nature of this challenge. Like, generations hence, all ye who view this shall remember the day SURVIVOR HAD ITS FIRST FOOT-OPERATED CHALLENGE!
I think Keith's thinking was: "Everybody knows I have an idol, so either they're going to split the vote, or they're going to vote for somebody other than me and Wes. If they split the vote, they're most likely to split it between me and Reed, because he's the person they most want to go home. In that case, if me,…
I agree that applying to be on the show should be a big mark in your favor, but I'd be cautious about any kind of blanket policy. According to the list at Survivorsucks (http://survivorsucks.yuku.c…, the following players were recruits:
• Brian Heidik
• Aras Baskuiskas
• Yul Kwan
• Earl Cole
As far as I know, everybody is compensated, even the first boot. I have seen $12,000 thrown around as the amount the first boot gets but I can't remember where. It goes up for each episode you last, ending up at (obviously) $100,000 for second place and $1,000,000 for first.
YES! I have been yelling this at the TV screen since… Well, since the first Blood Vs. Water.
The one thing you can say about dating John Rocker is, it probably gives you lots of experience at smiling and nodding while somebody else does something stupid or obnoxious. That's one of the most valuable skills a Survivor can have.
I'm doing an all-season rewatch and I'm up to Thailand right now. Hoo boy, is Thailand full of unpleasant people. I'm going to reserve judgment until I've rewatched every season, but right now, Thailand is easily at the bottom of my list.
Here's what I think Tony was thinking: