Jacob S.W.

Apologies if you've already answered this elsewhere, but I'd be interested in knowing the other supporting evidence you've spotted.

Interesting question. I love the thought of everybody pulling their idols out at once in a Survivor Mexican standoff.

Ooh, interesting idea. But i think you'd want everybody to know about the idols pretty early on. Otherwise, you'd miss out on all the juicy paranoia.

I say yes! The Medallion of Power didn't add anything to the game, but it didn't take anything away. It just ended up being a nonentity. (If I'm remembering correctly.)

You know what I want to see? I want to see a season where, on the first day, they give every single player a hidden immunity idol. (Well, at that point, I guess it's not hidden. Call it a Personal Immunity Idol.)

Apparently there is a hut somewhere off camera that has the following: feminine hygiene supplies; contact lens solution; shaving equipment; any specific medication that individual cast members have to take.

You could be right. It's often hard to distinguish "under the radar" from "passive" until the end of the season, when you start picking up on whether the other players seem to respect somebody's game or not.

My theory about Lindsey is, she was cast because she is some kind of explosive emotional wreck, and the producers were hoping she'd lose it spectacularly in a way that made for good TV.

I'm a big Tasha fan.

Yes! The closer the tribal council came, the more I dreaded what was going to happen; it really felt like we were being set up for some kind of stunning reversal. I'm glad it turned out not to be the case. I'm rooting harder for the brains than I have for anybody since… I dunno, maybe Yau Man?

Why do you think Stephen is coming back? I'd be very excited if that happens.

Wins/losses — definitely.

I bought them on the iTunes store starting at Season 13, so I still have those on my computer. I'm buying up the earlier seasons on DVD.

Yes, I definitely think hidden idol strategy will be an interesting thing to track.

Both very fair points. Maybe a jury vote should equal 3 days— IE, it should be as good as surviving an additional tribal council.

Good idea on the idol.

I've decided to go back and rewatch Survivor starting from Season 1. Because that's not nerdy enough, I've decided I want to track various statistics while I do so, and try to do a moneyball thing and figure out what strategies really increase your odds.

I think Tasha is a very smart woman who is playing a good, if imperfect, game. She's made some mistakes — publically complaining that people aren't letting you strategize is obviously not a good move. But she's thinking strategically, and she comes across as really happy to be on the show, both of which are going to

It seems to me that there are three categories of pairs.

Judge: Absolutely. Last week, the case for throwing a challenge was even clearer.