Some Kind of Munster

Yeah, RTL was the only one I actually owned back in 8th grade (the peak of my Metallica fandom) and it remains the only one I can get really excited about. Even though Master of Puppets is probably an objectively better album I never really want to listen to it.

Blood Ceremony are AWESOME, but yeah definitely more in the hard rock with occult themes vein than “metal”.

Hahaha… I’m still pissed off about staying up to watch the end of that movie on god damn network TV (with commercial breaks every 5 god damn minutes in the final half hour) because there was NO WAY they’d do something as obvious as make Daniels the killer and there HAD TO be some other twist coming. Nope. No fucking

Mr Russell, please get me a napkin for my eye!

3rd Bass were great but there was definitely a sense that they had a chip on their collective shoulder as the “respectable white rappers”. It was like they had to go extra-hard after perceived phonies to make up for their whiteness.

Hi, my name is Some Kind of Munster, and I have a drinking problem.

Another great example of this is “The Immortal” from the dying days of the NES:

Wussypillow is John Irving and I claim my $5

The thing I discovered when I tried to sell all my CDs a few years ago is that carrying CDs around in those Case Logic binders in your car fucking wrecks them. I mean, they all played fine, but the surface looked lightly scratched so none of the stores would take them (or rather they’d take them, but only at 15¢ a

Fuck, I loved Monster Voodoo Machine at one point! I had their first EP, Burn on cassette and played the shit out of that thing. Off to see if I can find it online anywhere…

I long for the days of the horse band

For years now, Youtube videos of Norm's appearances on Conan and Letterman have been my guaranteed pick-me-up when I'm feeling down, and the bit in the review about Rodney Dangerfield's secret burden made me laugh out loud so I'm definitely gonna be on the lookout for this one.

I always loved the “I never thought it would come to this… but the guy threw a Birkenstock at me!” rant on that same album

The Mighty Mighty Bosstones – wait, hear me out! – “Hell of a Hat”

I think it's more of a "glass toilet"

I saw them at the inaugural Warped Tour in ’95 and they were a drunken, sloppy mess. I think they fucked up a few songs so badly that they stopped playing them halfway through and started over. I mean, they weren’t good but they were certainly entertaining.

I worked in a grocery store in high school and one time a regular customer (older lady, came into the store pretty much every day) dropped a deuce in one of the aisles and just continued shopping like nothing had happened. After that, every time she came into the store the least senior employee had to discreetly

My wife has family in the Swastika area and apparently on several occasions there have been campaigns to change the name and every time the townsfolk are like “Fuck that! We had this name first!”, which I find kind of admirable