Some Kind of Munster

Fun Fact: Head Smashed in Buffalo Jump is so named because a dude decided to hang out at the bottom of the buffalo jump and see what it looked like from below when his buddies herded the buffaloes over the cliff

When it comes to Superchunk, don’t sleep on the three rarities/b-sides compilations – some of their best stuff is hidden in there! Cup of Sand in particular is a great place for newbies to start as it covers the widest swath of their career

Fuck any candy that comes in green apple flavour. Green is lime, end of story.
(I didn't like Skittles to begin with, but they're doubly dead to me now)

That was the first Superchunk song I ever heard and I was instantly hooked (if forced to pick one I’d probably say they’re my favourite band of all time).
I had “On The Mouth” on a 90-minute mixed tape that fortunately had Jawbreaker’s best B-side, “Better Half” directly opposite it so I could just listen to one, flip

Haha… guitly as charged.

We called ‘em “skids”

You’re alright, Dr. Phil.

Ha, I remember laughing my ass off the first time I saw that video back in the day.
Seaweed were great and I think deserve a little more than a passing comparison to Samiam. They had a bit more Sabbath riffery than most of their pop-punk contemporaries and for me really hit that sweet spot between pop-punk and grunge.

My wife and I still say "Gimme a tea, you bastard" (sometimes adding the "before I beat the crap outta ya") whenever tea is being had

Odd Squad is a really great kids’ show. I’ve found myself laughing out loud at it a few times when my daughter’s watching it.
Also, there ARE tons of weird guest appearances from comedy people but they’re all Toronto comedy people who you’d only know from watching commercials on the CBC.
Also also, Sean Cullen of Corky

Aw man, I used to have a shirt with a picture of Simon and Hecubus and the word EVIL! underneath them that I lost probably ten years ago now. I’m still bummed about that shirt.

I actually really like that whole first album. “No Rain” was the third single after “Tones of Home” (which IS a great song) and “I Wonder” which was a minor hit and was the one that hooked me and convinced me to buy the album pre-Bee Girl. It’s a solid Skynyrd-meets-Pearl Jam, southern rock for the ‘90s kind of record.

Heh. I remember one of my grade 5 classmates bringing in his dad’s copy of Pet Sematary to show us all where he found the word “fuck”. I believe it was something completely innocuous like someone saying “I had to let the fucking cat out” but we were all shocked and scandalized. I had no idea they could even print that!

Soul Asylum played at a free festival in my town this summer and you know what? They were fucking great.

I am not exaggerating when I say that every time I have listened to “The Wagon” in the past 25 years (and it’s been a fucking lot of times!) I’ve had to go back and listen to it a second time. Still hasn’t lost its punch.

Yeah, Beyond is a perfect starting point for the band. Accessible enough for pretty much any rock fan to be able to get behind it but still representative enough of their sound to gauge whether or not this is gonna be your kind of thing.

I know I’m in the minority but Farm is my least favourite of the three post-reunion albums. Not even sure what it is, I just found it to be a bit of an overlong slog. There are songs on it that I really like and overall I consider it a very good record, I just never had any real emotional response to it.

Oh god damn that place is so good and now I'm hungry

Agreed. That still makes me giggle with shame.