Some Kind of Munster

I like the Rheos a lot too! I can’t remember if Dave Bidini had actually gone to my high school or if he just knew my grade 11 English teacher, but he came in to our class to talk about songwriting and stuff in…. let’s say 1992? They weren’t really a well known band but I was still kind of star struck just to see a

I'll be seeing the Headstones play in a couple of weeks so I'll be sure to take note of Hugh Dillon's condition. Maybe I'll even try to catch a loogie in a jar so we can get it tested

Wow. Can’t say I ever expected to see a Waubaushene mention on the AV Club!

Same here. That was one of those albums that really revitalized my love of music when I first heard it. If J and Lou can get back together and make a great album, anything is possible

When I tried to sell off my CD collection I got the “too scuffed to sell” excuse too – what I was able to deduce was that anything I’d listened to in the past ten years (aka the time I’d owned a car with a CD player) was unsellable, anything that had never left the house was fine.

The review had me intrigued, but this comment sold me!

Or “Whole Lotta Rosie” if your date is named Rosie and/or is self-conscious about her weight

Yeah, I just finished reading his Perfidia and there were a few scenes that made me feel like I needed a shower

I've always been partial to Scott Reynolds, but I'm not sure if that's related to his actual singing or just the material the band was recording with him. Allroy's Revenge and Allroy Saves are my two favourites of theirs but a lot of that probably has to do with hearing them when I was 14 or 15.

I was just watching some old Blaxploitation movie featuring Gordon the other day! Willie Dynamite from 1974:

Let's not forget "Hard Luck Woman", which is also a contender for Kiss' best song

Yeah, Ace’s solo album is my favourite Kiss or Kiss-adjacent release. I also really love “Speeding Back To My Baby” which I always thought sounded like Frehley’s version of 60s girl group pop.

Your mention of Captain Sensible reminded me of the Supersuckers’ “The Captain” from “Must’ve Been High”, detailing the band’s disastrous attempt at recording with him:

You know what you are? You’re an art f-

You win this round, AV Club, but I'll get you next time. Next time!

No Word Girl? For shame, AV Club. For shame.

Canadian band Treblecharger also had a hit song called “American Psycho” that was rumoured at the time to be about Courtney Love:

I’m just disappointed they didn’t mention the Dropkicks’ “Barroom Heroes” which was the first song of theirs I heard (on the first Hellcat Records “Give ‘em The Boot” comp) and which I don’t think they ever topped:

We used to have the “paddy whacks” or “birthday beats” but they were administered by classmates, not teachers. I mean, the teachers would look the other way while you were getting spanked by your classmates (which is still kind of weird) but I think they at least had enough sense not to join in.