Some Kind of Munster

Worst teacher we ever had was a substitute named Mr. Price. Now, as an adult I feel really sorry for this guy because he just wasn’t cut out for teaching and we maybe kinda helped ruin his life a little, but he was just terrible at his job. This guy had been around for years and as I later learned from friends who’d

"Onions Make the Milk Taste Bad" from that album is fucking incredible

It’s too bad though – from a musical perspective their evolution is really interesting. Can’t think of too many other bands from that era (or any other, really) who went from spazzed out punk to acid-fried Americana to ZZ Top-worshipping rock.

Wasn’t familiar with those guys but they seem pretty cool – thanks for the recommendation!

That Blood Ceremony track is pretty kick-ass.

Every time I hear that song it makes me think of poor hygiene advice

The first time I heard “Fade to Black” almost 30 years ago still stands as the most jaw-dropping musical moment of my life. My friend’s older brother had taped Ride The Lightning for me and the day he gave it to me at school I listened to it on my walk home at lunch (I lived pretty close to the school so I always went

“Trapped Under Ice” is awesome! That call and response breakdown bit still kicks my ass every time.

I used to get so fucking hungry watching the Flintstones. That rack of ribs tipped the car over for crying out loud.

Standards and Practices impressed me with its selection of covers (Jawbreaker! Fugazi! Sugar! The best Smiths song!) but they’re pretty uninspired covers, all in all.

I know I’ve told this story before but I once saw a homeless guy shotgunning a bag of milk in a grocery store parking lot. He was just sucking it back, milk dripping down his beard as he chugged 1.3L of milk in a single go. It was simultaneously one of the most amazing things and one of the worst ideas I’ve ever seen

I grew up in the neighbourhood where original Degrassi was filmed (the school I went to from JK to Grade one later doubled as Degrassi Jr High) and went to the same school as Wheels after that school closed. He was a few years older than me, but he came in to our class to give a speech about what it was like to be a

I’ve actually seen the Penske File play before. They’re from my town and every year there’s a free music festival in a local park (We usually get some pretty big-name washed up acts headlining – this year it was Lover Boy!) and I watched a bit of their set last year due to the Seinfeld-themed name.

This letter may help explain it…

“Engine 54” and “Train to Skaville” by the Ethiopians.

Same here. I’ve heard the names Floor and Torche bandied about but never actually heard them before this. This shit is right up my alley and I can’t believe I haven’t been listening to them all these years!

I bought the Immortal after reading about it in that Nintendo Power and it was fucking rad! It also would have been completely impossible to play without the Nintendo Power showing you how to get through the room with worm monsters hidden in various spots on the floor.

Oh yeah, I meant to squeeze in a mention of that CD which was so bad I only listened to it twice – despite it being in the days of $20+ for import CDs and my usual habit of convincing myself I liked whatever I bought because god damn, I paid $24 for it.
I remember literally nothing about it now, other than crushing