Some Kind of Munster

Maybe not the “best” Stones’ song, but definitely the baddest-of-ass

Fuck that! Seaweed are one of the greatest forgotten bands of the 90s! I mean, completely different genre than the New Radicals and never had an actual hit or anything, but they really hit that sweet spot between punk and grunge better than anyone else from that era.

Yep, exactly. That’s how stock photography works – no one was cheated here and the record label didn’t defraud anyone. It’s not the ideal situation for an artist but it’s pretty standard procedure.

I'll also accept Clarence Carter's "Backdoor Santa", the song from whence that main sample was lifted

Exactly! “Plea From a Cat Named Virtute” is such an uplifting and inspiring song, and to have her revisited in her new circumstances kills me. That “I can’t remember the sound that you found for me” line gets to me every time, which I guess speaks to how well written the song is, but man, fuck the Weakerthans.

They sealed their fate when they wrote that god damn “Virtute The Cat Explains her Departure” song. I vowed I wasn’t going to listen to them again until they wrote another follow-up song called “Virtute the Cat Finds Her Way Back Home And Eats A Lovely Bowl of Tuna By The Fire”.

Also, CBC reporter Neil MacDonald is Norm MacDonald’s brother

I couldn't drink enough to make this thread make sense, but I'm gonna give it a try

Well, he must been stoned when this whole thing started

My mom was threatening to stick her head in the oven one time if something didn’t go her way. I didn’t have the heart to tell her that only works with a gas stove.

Strangely enough, Deadmau5 was threatening to buy Marineland in his hometown of Niagara Falls in order to put the killer whales out of business or something, so you may not be far off on the theme park angle:

Also, I had to dig deep in the old memory banks but I came up with this verse from "Forbidden Zone":

Oh yeah?
How about "Wooooaah-ooooh"

Cotton Hill is a great pick. Unless you’re Good Hank. He was pretty nice to that kid.

Vincent Price also appeared as the narrator in “Hilarious House of Frightenstein”, a low-budget children’s program for a small Canadian TV station in the 1970s, which I can’t imagine netted him much of a paycheck. I think he just liked to work and was completely undiscriminating.

That's what really happened.

Yeah, that’s my memory of their second album too although I think I only listened to it once or twice, which says a lot considering this was in the days of $20+ CDs when I would listen to anything I purchased until I could convince myself that it wasn’t a complete waste of money, no matter how shitty it was.

1995 you was wrong!

I ripped my copy of Set Your Goals to iTunes last year before trying to sell all my CDs but I’ve been kind of afraid to listen to it. I really loved that album at the time and always had a blast whenever I saw Civ play (which seemed to be all the time for a while there) but I fear it will not have aged well. Maybe

Nope, I was in Toronto (or I think it may have been held in London, Ontario – a few hours outside Toronto – that year) so it seems it wasn't an isolated incident.