Some Kind of Munster

I went to the first few Warped Tours – from 1995 (it was my first and only chance to see my favourite band at the time, Quicksand, who’d announced they were breaking up after the tour.) to I think 1998. The first one was definitely the best, but it was a shitload of fun all the years I went.

We had a similar situation where a kid asked if he hypothetically jerked off in the bathtub, then a girl had a bath in the same water afterwards could she hypothetically get pregnant. The teacher answered with “First of all, don’t jerk off in the bathtub, that’s gross. Second, why would a girl have a bath in your

That is without a doubt All’s worst album, though. They were trying to be “edgier” and ended up just being kinda racist, sexist and homophobic in a completely humourless fashion. Fucking awful.

Wasn’t it that Blake had throat surgery to remove polyps or something and that’s what changed his singing voice? Taking care of his health ruined his career!

I was just listening to Despised last week and thinking that they were one of the great, entirely forgotten bands of the ‘90s. Really incredible band straddling the grunge/pop-punk line, yet no one ever seems to mention them.

Depending on the day I could be convinced that any of their four albums is their best. Unfun is a stretch, but then I remember “Busy” is on that album.

That's a good one. It’s been said before, but half the plots on Seinfeld are invalidated by the proliferation of cell phones.

Yeah, I remember being disappointed that the movie had nothing to do with Rick Hansen trundling across Canada in a wheelchair.

I hardly know 'er!

Diego pisses me off because of the way the animals are anthropomorphized and because that little fucker interferes in the course of nature. Like, if it’s an episode about saving a baby bunny or something the show will treat the eagle who wants to eat him as a villain and Diego will prevent the bunny from getting

I’ve only seen Chuggington a few times, but I think it had British voices (at least when shown on Canadian TV)

Alive and Wired was my introduction to the band and it was one of the most “why haven’t I been listening to these guys for years?” moments of my music-listening life.

Seconding the recommendation to start with New Day Rising. I actually prefer it to Zen Arcade and think it’s definitely a better intro to the band. That said, I also really like Warehouse so my opinions on Hüsker Dü are clearly suspect.

Absolutely agree on the singles comps. Cup of Sand especially is a great intro to the band as it covers the broadest stretch of their catalog. These guys were never afraid to save their best songs for B-sides or soundtrack contributions.

Yeah, I’ve noticed that the way the characters move on that show is very realistic (I seem to recall seeing somewhere that they do some sort of motion capture thing for the animation) but the character designs are so hideous that it ends up sorta creepy. That said, I’d totally bang Teacher Suzie.

I saw an episode where George and the Man in the Yellow Hat went into outer space and the Man in the Yellow Hat had a space helmet shaped to fit his yellow hat inside it. That either makes it the worst children’s show of all time or the greatest. I’m still not sure which.

“More handsome”? Take a look at that picture up there. I don’t think it’s possible to be more handsome.

I don’t know if you’ll discover it in the book, but maybe it’s because the Sabbath stuff was written by Tony Iommi and Geezer Butler and the Ozzy solo stuff was not?

Either Sharon or Lois performed in my Toronto-area kindergarten class in maybe… 1980? I can’t remember which one of them it was but I remember being starstruck that someone I’d seen on TV was RIGHT THERE IN THE ROOM with us.