Some Kind of Munster

Was that movie basically “The Fox and The Hound” in a concentration camp?

I hate that I know this, but it’s actually “Pup Pup Boogie”.

I took three months of paternity leave when my daughter was around 8 months old and we’d have the TV on Treehouse sometimes because I’m a terrible parent. When I started to find myself sexually attracted to Caillou’s mom I knew it was time to go back to work.

Are everyone's kids really into Paw Patrol now? Seems like my kid and all her friends are fucking nuts about it at the moment and while it’s not as terrible as some kids’ shows, I have to wonder about a town with a completely incompetent mayor and an emergency services run entirely by an unsupervised ten year old who

We had to ban Caillou in our house when we noticed that our daughter was turning into a whiny little turd just like that bald-headed fuck because she was watching it so much.

Our local PBS affiliate shows Mr Rogers eps on weekend mornings and if I ever ask my daughter if she wants to watch it she says “NO!” but if I put it on anyway she becomes hypnotized by the quiet gentleness and sits there rapt for the entire half hour.

Have you seen the newer episodes where Dino Dan’s been replaced by an even homelier kid? Even my 4 year old refuses to watch them and believe me, she's not a very discerning viewer.

I wish I could give this comment more than one like

My kid went through a phase of being completely obsessed with the Wiggles for about a year. Like, that’s all she wanted to watch and if we were in the car we couldn’t listen to any music that wasn’t the Wiggles without her screaming that she wanted to hear the Wiggles.

The first time my kid used the potty by choice was after watching an episode where Daniel used the potty so for that I’ll always be grateful. It’s a pretty good kids’ show.

Yeah, my kid is obsessed with Looney Tunes right now (we have to severely limit her viewing because she gets carried away and starts bouncing around the house laughing like Daffy Duck) and Masha and the Bear has been a good, slightly toned down substitute for that brand of mayhem.

I genuinely like the Yo Gabba Gabba ska song about picking up your toys:

Backyardigans kinda grew on me… the first few times the kid was watching it the earworm-y songs drove me nuts but after I actually watched it with her a couple of times I discovered that it’s a pretty charming show. I especially like that the different characters take turns being the “villain” in each episode so

Oh man, I hope that article happens. I’ve got a lot of angry weighing-in to do if we start talking about Thomas around here.

I hate you.

We mean it, maaaaaaan

Canadian anthem would have to be something by the Tragically Hip, maybe “Fireworks” if only for the line that goes “You said you didn’t give a fuck about hockey / I never saw someone say that before”

I don’t like Radiohead that much mainly because I find them too dour and cold, but this song (which I wasn’t really familiar with) is actually pretty fun. I dig that bassline and the skronky horns… it’s like he picked the least stereotypically Radiohead-y song for his complaint about stereotypical Radiohead songs.