Some Kind of Munster

I’m getting a bad Vibe from this whole thread

I still find the scene where Pat falls down the stairs and says “Ow, I busted my nuts!” before removing a handful of smashed walnuts from her pocket pretty funny.

I kinda like it. Or at least I enjoy singing it very loudly and badly because it drives other people crazy. I mean c’mon, that “hey-eeyay-eeyay-ay-ay” part is super-fun to sing if you’re an annoying asshole.

Glad I scrolled through the comments before posting the link. This stuff is gold.

The star belly twinks had bellies with stars, while the plain belly twinks had none upon thars

Nice! That will be a cool addition to next year’s Xmas playlist – should pair well with their "Don't Believe in Christmas":

After the SARS outbreak in Toronto in the early 00s (2003, I think?) there was a big benefit concert to declare Toronto open for tourism again featuring about a dozen bands, including Rush, The Guess Who, Justin Timberlake(?!), AC/DC and headliners the Rolling Stones.

Yeah, I’ve never consciously realized that you don’t hear your own voice on a cell but I’ve always been less comfortable talking on one than a land line. Makes perfect sense to me.

You’re doing the lord’s work here.

I’ve said this before, but I don’t know if I’d even want to hear “properly” recorded Hüsker Dü now. For me that’s the way it’s supposed to sound – thin, tinny and abrasive (for best results, use a third generation dubbed cassette played on a 1989 Dodge Aries factory stereo).

I didn’t realize John Cho was renting property from Long Duk Dong!

Not to mention Ginger Fucking Baker!

I always liked that there were no click stops… it made me feel like maybe if I twiddled the knob a little bit more I could get the station. It gave me more hope than the VHF channels that either came in or didn’t

Oh man, a Zellers diner has to be one of the saddest places on earth with or without a hangover.

It’s my favourite too. That one-two punch of “Modern Man” and “Turn on The Lights” is one of the greatest album kick-offs of all time.

I see them in Canada.

I feel like a real heel saying this, but I just don’t like Adam Sandler movies.

That was an episode of Dinosaur Train, you sick fuck!

God damn it, looks like I’ll be downloading “Out of the Cellar” tonight to replace my long-lost cassette copy.

My wife bought us an Apple TV about a month ago and I was skeptical about it but it’s pretty sweet. Even just for using Netflix the interface is much less shitty than our Blu Ray player so it’s worth it for that alone.