Some Kind of Munster

And since when do when initialize a letter in the middle of the word?

Well, his love of hoagies certainly paints him as a prime suspect…

The Supersuckers also did a pretty rad cover of it in their early days:

Oh yeah, 8th grade for me was circa “… And Justice For All” so I was one of those jerkasses who reflexively hated the Black album for being a sellout album. I like to think history has proven me correct.

I can’t believe it took this long for someone to mention Dan Connor.

That was actually pretty cool.

I was never a big ZMF fan, but that’s a pretty great quote.

People saying something makes them shake their head makes me cluck my tongue in disapproval.

Let’s not forget the message that “others” (aka Diesel engines) are not to be trusted and are conniving and lazy.

To me he’ll always be Madmartigan

Strangely enough, I learned about the practice from Mike Myers on some talk show appearance decades ago. Although I believe he was turning Laurier into Sam Donaldson rather than Spock.

Well, I don't think any of us expected him to say that.

Heh. I’ve done that. Sometimes it’s just enough, y’know?

Hey, fuck you – Screeching Weasel were great! Or at least semi-competent.

A talking dog, whose favourite song is “Son of Sam”? Yeah, that checks out.

I had a really close female friend in college for whom I had unrequited feelings. I made the calculated risk of confessing my feelings for her and telling her that I couldn’t remain “just friends” with her. She rejected me – firmly but kindly – and it completely ruined our friendship for the rest of that school year

I’m sorry you’re going through all this, Cinecraft, but please know that whatever ends up happening with your film project, the important thing is that you’re actually doing it – that’s super-impressive, no matter what the end result is.

Butcher? I hardly know 'er!

I was actually doing some work as an inker on a friend’s independent comic at the time that movie came out, so let me tell ya, that rant got a lot of play.

That’s a punishment? I only wish I was allowed to do that!