Some Kind of Munster

I don’t want to admit too much knowledge of Crash Test Dummies, but “Superman’s Song” was the big single from their first album and “Mmmmmmmm” was the lead off single from their second album.

Trampled Under Foot is rad, and exhibit A in why JPJ was the best member of Zeppelin.

How often does this scenario come up in conversation for you?


For some reason I split the purchase of this cassette with a friend. I made a copy of the tape and kept the case and he got the tape. Maybe in the spirit of the soundtrack itself we decided to collaborate on the purchase?

I’m ashamed to say I was unaware of that distinction and have been using the term “cocktail” erroneously all this time. Thank you for giving me this piece of pedantry to lord over my family just in time for Christmas!

I had to look it up in the summer because people at work were referencing it and I had no idea what they were talking about. I think that remains the only time I’ve heard it, although I did enjoy the video.

Allow me to share my favourite festive gin recipe – a little something I like to call “The Gingerbread Man”:

For me it varies from day to day, but I’ve definitely gone through long stretches where Trompe le Monde is my favourite. I originally had it on a tape with Come on PIlgrim/Surfer Rosa on one side and Trompe on the other so those two (three?) albums are inextricably linked for me and the weird spaciness of Trompe is a

I didn’t listen to as much new music this year as I used to, but Rips was far and away my favourite (followed by Tomorrow’s Hits” by The Men, and Most Messed Up by the Old 97s)

If it ain’t “Hey Jealousy” tomorrow I’m gonna be pissed

Oh wow, I had totally blocked out The Best Christmas Pageant Ever. For a couple of years there that was required Christmas viewing in my house and then it just disappeared without a trace. Probably haven’t thought about that in over 25 years…

I also enjoy Dion Phaneuf as a the young Ebenezer

I think they’re calling it HNIC Punjabi Edition but I can’t find any official evidence of that at the moment. I know they were doing it as a radio broadcast for a few years before they started televising it this season.
I have a few Punjabi friends who watch it mainly for the novelty factor (since they all speak

I’m cable-less this season so I’m enjoying still having a choice of two games on Saturday night (and I’ll get to see my Sabres be slaughtered by the Habs this week!). Also, while I don’t speak Punjabi, I think it’s pretty awesome that OMNI is carrying the Punjabi edition of all the Saturday night Leafs games

Remember when uncles were cool, like Donald Duck?

Yeah, I saw it when I was maybe 8 and while I’m sure I knew by then that there was no Santa Claus I was still holding out hope (and definitely keeping my mouth shut about any Santa knowledge around my parents in case the presents ceased once I stopped believing) that chimney monologue didn’t push me over the edge. I

Yep, the Alastair Sim A Christmas Carol was always the big one in my family. You could watch whatever else you wanted earlier on Christmas eve, but it always ended with A Christmas Carol, a glass of egg nog and a slice of fruit cake (the only night of the year I’ll drink egg nog and eat fruit cake).

Damn. Now I’m sad all over again.

Strangely enough, I ate a turkey wrap made from leftover Thanksgiving turkey today. I wasn’t even thinking about Thanksgiving – I just found a container of frozen mystery meat in my freezer and decided to eat it. It was delicious!