Some Kind of Munster

I’m pretty sure seeing his name in the liner notes for Green Mind (and whatever Sonic Youth albums he produced) was the only reason I bought that Gumball album, but 15 years later it’s paying off.

Can we talk about Don Fleming a bit here? I recently found my copy of Gumball’s Revolutiion on Ice (that I had picked up used at some point in the late ‘90s and only listened to a few times before shelving it) and I’ve been playing the shit out of that album. It’s fucking great!

My friend had an upright piano in his basement that the house had actually been built around – apparently back when it was built (this would have been in the ‘50s) they poured the foundation, dropped in the piano then built the house.
When he wanted to get rid of it I helped him smash it then cut it into manageable

I'm onto you, David Usher.

Yes it was. I had one of their 7”s, which I don’t remember ever actually listening to.

Cut him some slack. He’s just an unfrozen caveman and our modern ways frighten and confuse him.

Pssst… The Ex Hex album is streaming on NPR:

I’m never not gonna like this

Same here. Somehow missed Goonies as a kid and was forced to watch it with friends when I was an adult and hated everything about it.

For the record, I like ‘em both.
They’re both great bands (in different ways) and both quite silly (in different ways).

I was led to believe they don’t have no function

Holy shit, it was Peter Criss all along!

Former New York Islander Miroslav Satan?

Yeah, I’m really guilty of ellipsis abuse [and parenthetical abuse(like this!)] because my thoughts are generally very poorly organized.

I think Tony’s problem is more fashion-related. If he’d ditch the silly glasses, grandma-perm and soul patch he’d just be a regular looking senior citizen.

You idiot! He was the most talented one!

I was gonna say, it’s not even AC/DC’s greatest hard rock album

Oh man, I used to have a 70s-era wood cabinet stereo that sounded fucking incredible…. as long as it was played extremely loud. If you tried to play it at a reasonable volume (y’know the kind of volume that wouldn’t have your neighbours pounding on the walls and threatening to kick your ass) it was nigh unlistenable.

I recently tried to sell off my CDs and discovered that like 90% of them were unsellable because of minor surface scratches (that didn’t affect the playability at all, but the stores couldn’t in good conscience resell them). The only ones in good condition were any that I hadn’t listened to in at least 10 years, so

Pathfinder! That dude was my favourite!