Some Kind of Munster

Put a Muzzle on it you pun-slinging Zero(es)

No, Good Riddance was a pretty decent pop punk band.

That’s awesome… I’d never heard that before.

And how does one enforce that? Didn’t their bathroom door have a lock?

That game ruled! I remember one of my friends got it for Christmas one year and we played the shit out of it all winter. I don’t remember anything about the game play, but I do remember launching “fireballs” (AKA red marbles) out of the big skull mountain thing was totally kick-ass.

Ha! I knew it was going to be Kim Mitchell, I just didn’t know which video you’d pick.

Fun Fact: Ontario’s Police force is known as the OPP (yeah, you know me)

In fairness, I really like Craig T. Nelson as an actor and was incredibly disappointed to learn that he’s a bit of a right-wing nutjob (I think I may have actually picked up that tidbit from the comments on that Random Roles!)

Tom Collins, (555) 867-5309, 123 Incognito Ln, Springfield MN 90210.

About a month ago I was hanging out in the parking lot of a rail trail after going for a bike ride (I was loading my bike back onto the car and eating a PB&J). A minivan pulled into the parking lot and a Filipino family piled out and the dad brought out an acoustic guitar, played a flawless version of that song (it

Has no one mentioned Townes Van Zandt yet? “Pancho and Lefty”, motherfuckers!

“A Man / Me / Then Jim” by Rilo Kiley. It took a few listens to realize what the fuck was going on in that song (finally looking at the back of the CD and reading the title certainly helped) but it’s a pretty great three part story.

I’m not a huge Hip fan, but are there bootlegs out there of that happening beyond the famous “Killerwhaletank” version of New Orleans is Sinking and the “Double Suicide” Highway Girl? Because those two are pretty awesome and I’d be interested in hearing more of that kind of thing.

I always turn it off once he meets Patricia Arquette but there are a few funny-ish scenes before that point.

Well, for one, he’s apparently something of a dumbass:

Yep, the War Pigs line was the one I was looking for. I get that they’re two different meanings of “masses” but c’mon, Geezer.

He re-gifted, and then he de-gifted, and now he's using an upstairs invite as a springboard to a Super Bowl sex romp.

That sounds like Alan Zweig’s Vinyl. He also did a really great doc called I, Curmudgeon about, well, curmudgeons that has really stuck with me and continues to make me think about my own curmudgeonly behaviour when I catch myself being a cranky old man.

I was a shepherd in our 2nd grade nativity play. I think that was my only time on stage in a school production. I had an old cane that I pretended was one of those shepherd hook things.

The actual drawing is pretty good (check out the hands – they’re very nicely drawn!) but the weak water-colour quality makes it look, as you said, like something a talented high schooler would knock out.