Some Kind of Munster

Yeah, that one is fucking brutal and Tim Roth is amazing in that movie

I’ll be honest. Until fairly recently I’d always held a similar belief that suicide was selfish (I’d never go so far as calling someone a “coward” for killing themselves – but selfish, sure).

Cheers, dude.
I’m concerned that Led Zeppelin might get mentioned around here sometime without an argument starting… hopefully someone can step up and take your place.

Heh. I just commented about this above (or maybe below? Behold the mysteries of Disqus!). I’m gonna re-read that book (or at least the part where he tells Red how he got sent up) and see if I’m imagining things.

I haven’t actually watched it in years, but does Andy ever explicitly say he was innocent? I seem to recall (possibly in the book rather than the movie) that he was kind of deliberately vague about it – like he admits that the circumstantial evidence all points to him but that there’s no proof it was him.

People who make awesome music also tend to be shitty people though, so it all evens out.

Sadly, they’re the two good members of KISS.

I realized about a year ago (when the song was playing somewhere and all my friends started talking about it) that I didn’t know the song “Stay” at all, but I had every second of the video ingrained in my memory. I spent a lot of time in the ‘90s watching MuchMusic with the sound off while I listened to ostensibly

It’s a really good Dinosaur Jr song though.

I used to have nightmares about those William Wegman dogs-dressed-up-like-people segments on Sesame Street. Like, last year.

Just be sure to put down a tarp before you invite the sloppy hoes over.

Same here. That thin, tinny sound is just what they sound like as far as I’m concerned (doubly so for me, since I originally heard them on second or third generation dubbed cassettes – usually played on a shitty walkman or even shittier car stereo).

Yeah, in my younger days I had no patience for such nonsense – stick it straight into the fire, quickly blow out the flame and eat the blackened-on-the-outside, cold-on-the-inside ‘mallow and repeat ad nauseam. Now that I can’t handle eating more than a couple of marshmallows in a single sitting I like to take my time

Yeah, I always thought I was really sneaky because my parents never caught me jerking it (and believe me, they had plenty of opportunities) but time and perspective have led me to believe they just politely looked the other way. So, thanks for that, parents! And sorry our Kleenex budget was so high between 1987 and

Yeah, my parents just thought I had really bad allergies.

Degrassi High! One of the twin sisters had an abortion against the wishes of her pro-life twin!

I think at the store I most often frequent you just have to go through this produce menu thing, like you choose fruit or vegetable, then the category of fruit or vegetable, then the variety of that category of fruit or vegetable, then the sub-variety of that variety of that category of fruit or vegetable and then you

Yeah, I made the mistake of taking a full cart through the self checkout once (there was no lineup! This thing is brand new! I’ll give it a try!) and it played out exactly as described. I also tend to avoid it if I have a lot of produce that I have to weigh because that shit’s a pain in the ass.

Foooodies! The store with fooood!

Enough with the Tom Petty song titles, already! I Surrender!