Some Kind of Munster

You think that’s dumb? The first time I got poison ivy, I was taunting a friend who would get it just by looking at it because I thought I was immune (I’d been exposed to it a bunch of times and never got it before so I assumed there was some immunity) and literally rolled in it to show off. It turns out I was merely

I speak from experience when I say DO NOT scratch your poison ivy with an electric palm sander.

Persian? I thought he was the king of Spain?

And he sang lead vocals on “Beth”!

Not gonna lie. I laughed.

Let’s ask some Game of Thrones fans!

By Friday afternoon there’s nothing but little puffs of dust coming out.

I never realized how badly I wanted a k.d. lang/Voivod collaboration until right now.

Haha. You’re old like me!

Ah, I see. It was played for laughs.

Heh. Last year I had to retrieve my old Kenner Star Wars toys from my parents’ attic before my mom sold the house and was dismayed to learn that most of them were only worth a couple of bucks each. I gave the bulk of them to my friend’s Star Wars-loving kids and sold off a few of the more valuable ones – I think I got

How.. how does that even happen? I’m never going to read these books, so please explain to me how a planet falls on one’s head…. I mean, I can see no way that can be played for anything other than laughs.

I know I read at least one of those books where Han and Leia were married and had kids (was there something about harvesting the force from some type of salamander or something?) but I could have sworn it was late ‘80s, not early ‘90s. Could I have actually been lame enough to read that in high school?

That’s interesting – I’d never thought about it that way and I suppose it’s a possible interpretation. Although Cash was usually a pretty straightforward lyricist so I think that’s the kind of thing he’d clear up if it was how he intended it.

Don’t mind if I do!

Went to a beer festival on the weekend and despite the weather being shit (rained all day and was cold and windy as fuck down by the lake) it was a pretty great afternoon. Got to hang out with a bunch of friends I haven’t seen in a long time and tried tons of beers I’d never had before. Mostly these were small

High five, 8:30 to 5 working brother!

Just to be clear, I’m exaggerating your awfulness for humorous effect. But seriously, those things you said about coffee? Not cool.

Cheerfully withdrawn!

Seriously. I can’t remember the last time I got to sleep in until 8.