Some Kind of Munster

Never saw the movie but I still have the soundtrack somewhere and you are correct.

I don't care who came up with it or what anyone says, but it's 20 years later and "Sometimes I park in handicapped spaces while handicapped people make handicapped faces" still makes me laugh my ass off.

Oh man, glad to know I'm not the only one saying "Fuck me in the goat ass!" on a regular basis. Most of the time it never even crosses my mind that it's an Adam Sandler quote.

Cool… not familiar with either of those bands but I'll try to remember to check them out when I get a chance.

Honkin' on Bobo?

Not really familiar with Jake Morris, but Janet Weiss is excellent.
Really glad I got to see her drumming with the Jicks a few years ago, especially since not seeing Sleater-Kinney is one of my great regrets

I think it's a non-trump suit jack in certain card games?

Hell yes about How To Clean Everything. Most of my experience with "political" punk up to that point had been of the strident, hectoring variety so it was such a revelation for me to hear angry politicized punk that was also fucking hilarious.

Yeah, but to not mention Fugazi at all when discussing the year In On The Killtaker came out would be even more egregious.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again, Destroy-Oh-Boy! might be the greatest album of the '90s. (And yes, all of their albums are fucking excellent).

I went as Bender many years ago and had dozens of people ask me if I was the Tin Man (on the plus side, I got to respond with "I'm Bender, baby! Please insert liquor!" to all of them. That, of course only raised further questions.)

I think that Zuni Fetish Doll scared her out of here for good.

Well put – I'm not really a fan of his movies or his music but in any interviews i've seen or read he comes across as a really cool and thoughtful guy (the interviews with him in Metal: A Headbanger's Journey in particular made me a fan).

Fuck yeah! First thing I did when I got into the office today was put on Songs The Lord Taught Us and now I fire up the AV Club and find this.

Please allow me to adjust my pants, so I may dance the good time dance

Supersuckers – The Evil Powers of Rock n Roll
Sleater-Kinney – Night Light
Brian Jonestown Massacre – Love
The Men – Electric
Dead Milkmen – Get Off My Cloud (This is a guaranteed pick-me-up – I can't stay in a shitty mood when the silly pan flute riff starts up)

Oh man, the way he paused to take a breath between every word and looking like an exhumed corpse he used to scare the shit out of me on Ripley's.

Puppets?! I thought that was Steven Tyler!

I was never a big fan of Disney shows/movies even as a kid but man did they know how to do holiday specials. The Halloween and Christmas ones (a few shorts + Mickey's Christmas Carol) were holiday staples around my house growing up.

Nice. We had a guy who did very elaborate (for the time, anyway – these things seem to have become pretty commonplace lately) decorations every year and ALWAYS sat somewhere on his porch dressed as a scarecrow amongst a bunch of actual scarecrows and jumped out at all the kids. Even after we knew he was there