Some Kind of Munster

Same here – I'd never had candy corn until last Halloween and I don't really see how anyone can have a strong opinion of it one way or the other.

I don't know about the popularity, but I definitely like those three bands better than the others I mentioned.

I kinda felt bad about including the Tea Party because I remember liking their first album quite a bit, so I'll retract that one. How about I swap in Our Lady Peace? Cuz those guys were (and still are?) fucking terrible.

I think even most of us who have lived in Canada our entire lives only really became aware we had a senate within the past year.

That's my reaction to it too…. once the vampires show up it's like "Oh cool, vampires" then ten minutes later I'm thinking "OK, I get it, there are vampires. How much longer is this movie?"

The Pushead comparison's pretty great – not only is their work kind of similar, Baizley's probably the first guy since Pushead in the late '80s/early '90s who can convince me to check out an album just because he illustrated the cover.

We also had The Tea Party, Moist and I Mother Earth around this time so we're in no position to scoff at the crap on the American charts

Seems like I defend Blind Melon in every Hatesong comments but I really like that first album (for whatever reasons I've never bothered with the later ones, although I know they have a better critical reputation than the debut).

I don't think I've ever actually heard Hinder but I remember hearing one of the comedians on MuchMusic's Video on Trial proposing that in their honour "Hinder" should become a euphemism for shit, as in "I gotta go take a hinder", so that's what I think of every time I hear about that band.

Hmmmm… it was "simulated monkey meat" in our version which was probably the least upsetting thing in the song (I mean, if it's simulated no monkeys had to die, right?) but then it was followed up with "chopped up baby parakeets" which was what really got to me .

Isn't Strong Belwas a eunuch?

I remember having nightmares for weeks after being taught the "Great green gobs of gooey gory gopher guts" song as a 1st grader.

I like you Meredith. You're not like the other people, here in the AV Club.

Well there's your problem, pantywaist!

Oh man, this idea is making my day.

Don't forget the purse!

That's possibly my favourite Bart moment in the entire series.

I understand that it's racially insensitive and I'm a terrible person but I still find that unreasonably funny.

My only problem with Vietnamese food is I never get anything else on the menu besides pho because if I'm in a Vietnamese place, god damn it, I'm gonna get some pho. I need to go two days in a row sometime so i can break out of this habit.

We call that "Porky Piggin' it"