Some Kind of Munster

'Bout time someone mentioned Bun E. Carlos. That dude rules!

Man Very Early Made Jars Stand Up Nearly Perpendicular

It was Never Eat Shredded Wheat when I was growing up.

Pills in the jellybeans. Never forget.

Not to mention He-Man's patented hands-on-the-hips-and-head-thrown-back laugh.
Oh, Orko.

For some reason I was actually watching an episode of He-Man a few months ago and I noticed the backgrounds were actually really beautiful. Someone obviously put a lot of time into painting those, only to have some of the shittiest character animation I've ever seen slapped haphazardly on top.


Our cat when I was growing up would always smell like smoke in the winter and we later realized she was hanging out on top of the chimney when we had the fireplace burning.

Normally with this kind of thing, after the first one I'll go "Oh, haha" and skim past it but these keep on giving. "Moesha on DVD" gave me a legitimate chuckle.

Thanks for that… I just installed it and it seems to be working pretty well (load time's a bit slow, but beats the alternative)

I read the shit out of those books but don't remember much beyond the names of some of the characters (Tasslehoff Burrfoot!)

Strangely enough, I was thinking about this book out of the blue a few months ago and arguing with myself in my head about the plot. "There's no way that chick's magic power was PMS, right? I must have imagined that!"

Yep, that's where I checked out of the series – I'm pretty sure there was a long passage describing the difference between seeing a girl naked (totally natural and unarousing) and in her panties (hot hot hot!) and realized I'd read way too fucking many of these books.

That's funny… I always thought he had more of a Brendan Shanahan thing going on….

I think I've told this story before, but someone gave me a questionable copy of The Dark Knight when it was still in theatres and towards the end, during one of the more tense scenes there was suddenly this heretofore unseen silhouette menacing Batman. "Look out Batman!" I cried at the screen, but the silhouette just

Yeah, I scored a few Buddy Holly and Elvis records from my mom plus the requisite Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass albums that came pre-installed in most houses in those days (I spent a lot of time staring at the cover of Whipped Cream and Other Delights, let me tell you) but that was about it.

Both of those movies were such a revelation for teenage me (I caught them late at night on the CBC, the way nature intended). They were weird, funny and kind of melancholy and instantly made me feel cooler for having seen them.

My mom liked early rock and roll and always blamed the Beatles for ruining it and my dad who was slightly older didn't like ANY of it so I grew up in a Beatles-free household yet somehow never rebelled by listening to them.

I'm a Canadian who loves Clone High and I just found out today that it was a Canadian show. I woulda figured they'd have a Bruno Gerussi clone or something to qualify for Canadian Content status.