Some Kind of Munster

At the risk of becoming the site's resident Dead Meadow obsessive, I'd also recommend Feathers by that band.

Smacky? Is that you? You… you don't look so good…

I've never really liked you @avclub-eaff9f19dbfd5c5a5807b5dbfa656ec9:disqus, but now? I just pity you.

I'm actually in the process of copying any CDs that aren't already in my iTunes so I can sell the whole lot of them. I don't even own a functioning CD player anymore so I really have no use for them once this project is complete (the racks have all been sitting in my basement underneath a lot of other shit for a few

Oh yeah. I re-read Salem's Lot a few years ago and one night when my wife was out of town I ended up sleeping with the lights on.

I like to pretend the stickers are awarded to drivers for running over pedestrians.
"Wow! This guy in the Nissan took out a family of four AND their dog!"

Heh. I met my wife in college through a mutual friend. I kinda liked her and one night at a party we were flirting and I thought things were going well until she said "Oh Some Kind of Munster, it's too bad you're not my type or I'd totally go out with you!" and I said "I'm going to go over here now" and went over

I don't even want to think about how stressful selling a house at the same time is gonna be. I don't like where we live that much, but I might be OK with living here til I die if it means I never have to find out.

I poured you a drink but unless you get here in the next 10 minutes I'm gonna have to drink it myself.

There used to be a bocce club across the street from a bar my friends and I hung out at. We used to sit on the patio and watch all the old, well-dressed Italian men playing and shout nonsensical advice and cheers at them. They were generally unamused.

Malteasers are awesome and soooo much better than Whoppers (which also rank pretty high on the awesomeness scale)

"In The Fade" might be the best use of both Mark Lanegan and QOTSA, so this shuffle has definitely got my approval.

Wow… Daisy Chainsaw and Steel Pole Bathtub… Haven't thought about either of those bands in years.
Off to dig through the boxes of cassettes in my basement!

Screeching Weasel – Hanging Around ("This girl walked up to me and said 'I think my teacher used to go to school with you' and she was right". Ouch.)
The Cramps – Strychnine
Screaming Trees – All I Know
Guzzard – Glued
Supersuckers – Rock n Roll Records (Ain't Sellin' This Year)

Liked for new Superchunk (or any Superchunk for that matter)

That IS insane and I kinda want to see the results when you're done.

Yes you are.

@binkyman1776:disqus You son of a bitch! I was gonna watch that Kids in the Hall episode tonight!

That's poor puzzlesmanship!

Corner Gas was one of my first thoughts too when I saw the headline and I was kinda surprised to see it make the cut.