Some Kind of Munster

Alongside Anne Murray's nephew!

Hi @avclub-6beb5f589a9fd04c21fcd50db3d9c80c:disqus !

I unapologetically love that first Blind Melon album (which did have a song called "Change" IIRC). "No Rain" aside it's a solid Pearl Jam-meets-Skynyrd Southern rock record.

I'm sure I heard this a million times back then and I remember that there was a band called Candlebox (even the album cover looks kind of familiar) but I have absolutely no memory of ever hearing this song before.

1998 maybe? I know I saw them around that time on the Warped Tour and thought they were an OK pop punk band.

Oof. I wasted the better part of my teenage years denying myself the pleasure of a lot of awesome music because it wasn't "punk".

I could never tell if NOFX were smart guys pretending to be dumb or dumb guys pretending to be smart.

*Looks up "Robert Clothier", realizes that the guy who played Relic had a name other than "the guy who played Relic", feels like a substandard Canadian*

Yeah, this is true. There's literally no name you can give your kid that's immune to mockery but it's good to be prepared.

I mean, he's good, but is he Bruno Gerussi good?

Yeah, this is where my history as a pre-teen wiseass comes in handy. I'm an expert at predicting the cruel names kids will be called in the future (I dissuaded a friend from naming her son "Duncan" because if he ever gets fat he's gonna be "Duncan Donuts")

Nah, I've always had a thing for her too (and always felt a secret shame about it, but god damn it, this is the internet and if I can't admit a weird celebrity crush here, where can I?)

My issue with the episode never had anything to do with the crossover (as a fan of The Critic I was pretty happy with that) but it's always bothered me the way Marge browbeats Homer into voting for the "better" movie.

Go on….

I have this 85-year-old uncle who's one of the coolest motherfuckers I know – he's still got a full head of white hair, speaks with a charming Scottish accent and because he's half deaf most of the time when someone speaks to him he just smiles enigmatically and winks. He lives on his own but has random women invite

I don't know… I'd kinda find it extra funny to tell a dude to calm his tits (and in the spirit of equality I'll tell a lady to chill her nuts).

Huh. I was more concerned about her contaminating the ball.

The Raft? That's a really awesome and terrifying story. The part where the dude gets pulled through the gap in the raft's floorboards is described in sickening detail!

I was shocked to see the Argos playing on consecutive days so I checked the schedule and the Saturday game against the Eskimos should be the Alouettes.

From what I've seen of nursing homes (I have a few aunts and uncles living in them) the women outnumber the men by about 4:1 and any man who can actually use his legs and swallow food on his own is positively swarmed with old broads at all times.